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Bug/bad memory


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Few days ago I redid my mods. I downloaded some animations, one of which said it caused problems with the chopping block scene in the starting. I went to bed before enabling the mods, next time I went to play I enabled them all..forgetting which mod messed up the chopping block part.. now I can't get passed it. I've tried disabling all animation mods, no luck, tried lots of them no luck, I disabled EVERY. SINGLE. MOD, even texture mods, and it worked fine(of course) Got through the part, closed out of Skyrim, re-enabled all the mods, started it back up, loaded my save and now my character is frozen in place walking. Eh? I even tried going to breezehome from the menu with the 'coc' command, it worked fine, even with all the mods. BUT when I went back to my char, still frozen, tried going to breezehome and it was still frozen. The save is corrupt it seems, But I cannot remember what mod caused the bug in the first place.


Anyone seen a mod that has the bug listed? Pretty sure its an animation mod.

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Disable all your mods. Start Skyrim. Load up your last savegame. Ignore the message that says some data files are missing. Once the game loads, save the game (do a new save, don't overwrite the one you just loaded, just in case). Once saved, quit Skyrim. Now re-enable all your mods, restart Skyrim, and load up your new savegame. Hopefully your char won't be messed up now.
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Disable all your mods. Start Skyrim. Load up your last savegame. Ignore the message that says some data files are missing. Once the game loads, save the game (do a new save, don't overwrite the one you just loaded, just in case). Once saved, quit Skyrim. Now re-enable all your mods, restart Skyrim, and load up your new savegame. Hopefully your char won't be messed up now.



I've done that but with no luck. I did find a savegame on the Nexus that starts in riverwood with nothing touched, so I'll just use that from now on. I'll have to keep looking for that mod tho. Thanks for the advice tho ;)

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