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The Horse Frost in Riften


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So, you know that guy, Louis i think he name is, in Riften. He wants me to steal Frost for him to repay a debt, whenever I go near him, he attacks me. Usually when this happens, I hit him till he goes down, and then when they get back up they are friendly again, but he wont. I fought him all the way around the lake near Riften. What am I supposed to do?


I probably should mention that my bounty is somewhere around 95k. I cant remember what got it so high, probably a random werewolf transformation that I was too lazy to run away from.

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You're a little incoherent, here. I'm assuming you mean you're fighting Louis, and not Frost, although that's not entirely clear from what you said. Also, you didn't finish your first sentence. He won't "what"? Talk to you? I suppose that's a fair assumption.


Understand that this character (Louis, not Frost) has a number of bugs that can render the quest "Promises to Keep" impossible to finish. Blame Bethesda for the poor quest design that plagues this game. One of those bugs is that he can be hostile when you give him Frost. This has nothing to do with your bounty.


The only solution I've heard of to getting a hostile Louis to talk to you is to leave the area (just fast travel to a long distance, away -- perhaps another city). Wait one day. Come back and try again.


Also, with regard to your bounty, even a bounty of 1000 will cause guards to arrest you on-sight if you're in a city where that bounty applies. With a bounty of 95,000 or more I'm surprised that the entire Imperial Legion isn't hunting you down with "terminate with extreme prejudice" orders.


You don't get a bounty when you kill in beast-form, since nobody knows who you are. You've been a very bad boy, and it's going to catch up with you, eventually. Remember that the highest bounty for any crime (at least I think it is) is 1000 gold. This means you've probably committed on the order of 90 premeditated murders, or at least accidentally hit a friendly target in combat. Probably the former. You have to get up awfully early to fool this old dog.


My suggestion is that you start trying to atone for your sins by serving some jail time or paying off your bounties because where you are now just about any law-abiding citizen is going to attack you on-sight. That's might have what happened with Louis, although I'm surprised he didn't continue to attack you when he got back up. The only other explanation is that you encountered the "hostile Louis" bug, so try the fix I mentioned, above.

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