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Unfortunately nope, those conditions must take place at the same time to display the dialogue (this is the AND meaning).


The 2nd condition may be ok. I think your NPC will have a fish seller package too? The only difference will be that you have to create a new package pointing to your furniture.


The 3rd can simply be added as GetIsID myNPC == 1


The 1st is a bit tricky, you have to find a condition that Addvar will never match.


After finding the right conditions, your order would be this:


- your condition OR


- Quest completed AND


- GetIsCurrentPackage YourNewFishPackage OR


- GetIsCurrentPackage SolitudeFish AND


- GetIsID myNPC OR


- GetIsID Addvar


For the 1st condition, i'm thinking about getting if your NPC is in a cell. Don't have other ideas atm, but you just have to find a condition that Addvar won't match, ever (this in order to avoid him speaking that line before the SolitudeOpening quest completes)

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sorry but I do not understand what the very 1st step of all this is...


Do I need to open my newNPC dialogue box? Or do I need to open Addvar's, and then edit it?


Or must I create a condition before anything else? How or where do I create that?


thank yuo for your patience

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sorry but I do not understand what the very 1st step of all this is...


Do I need to open my newNPC dialogue box? Or do I need to open Addvar's, and then edit it?


Or must I create a condition before anything else? How or where do I create that?


thank yuo for your patience


Well, this all thing about invisible continue is a pretty ugly workaround if you don't want to create the new dialogue file, but you could always do that (3rd post here tells you how http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/639620-topic-info-issue/ ). If you don't want to add the file you can try what I sayed here and you have to edit Addvar's dialogue...if you move the answer or try to duplicate it in newNPC dialogue then it won't point anymore to the vanilla voice file and there's no way to link it back.

Gasti89 is pointing out that is a bit harder than what I did on my mod where I just wanted the voice on the same NPC but a different topic and I agree with that but is not impossible.

Another tips:

- if the line you found is in the Misc Tab -> Shared infos you can link it from there and then you don't have to do all this invisible continue. I believe you can do that if is in another quest, just have to check a box in order to see them all when selecting.

- usually an NPC has a few similar Infos just for diversity (eg: guards not saying the knee thing always) in a random group and it selects one of them to say (random checkbox). If that's the case for Addvar you could change the conditions for one Info so Addvar will remain only with the rest from the group and have that one only for your newNPC. This way you don't have to take care about OR and AND with their unnatural priorities but you just can't move the Info from it's original place...this I also did in my case.


Just remember: all this is if you DON'T WANT to record or extract/rename the voice file, is a nasty workaround that may come in hand depending on the complexity of your task because CK won't allow you to simply select the voice file from their vanilla archive and will also mess the link to it if you duplicate and move the Infos.

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Yes, the LukeH method would work too. But i saw that the line you want has a "edit" too, so you will have to extract/convert/rename around 10 files (if you want variety).


Also, like LukeH said, Addvar has 3 different lines for the fish (+ the "edits"). So if you don't care kicking that only line from Addvar, you can just delete all conditions and make custom ones (this way Addvar won't speak that line anymore).


Now, talking about your walkthrough, what you have to do is this:


- go to DialogueSolitude and open it

- go to misc ---> idle ---> open the "fiiiiiiish" line

- in the part when you see the conditions, right click ---> new

- in the 1st dropdown select GetisID, in the 2nd your NPC, and leave it as == 1. Then mark the "OR" box ---> click ok

- now exit the quest (by clicking ok)

- go to packages in the object window and open "SolitudeFishmonger"

- The 1st thing to do is change the ID, doing this will create a new package

- now go to the procedure tree, click on the "travel" procedure. You'll see that it points to the place where Addvar sells fish. You have to change this.

- now click on the big button where there's the travel destination, it will open a window. Here you have to select your destination.

- if you want you can edit the time he stays at selling fish by "schedule"

- now save your package, it will ask to create a new form, say yes.

- put your package on your NPC

- now go back to DialogueSolitude ---> misc ---> etc

- add a new condition that will be GetisCurrentPackage, and will point to your new package ---> mark as "OR"

- now you have to create a 3rd condition, but i don't know what condition. Scroll down the condition menu until you find something that would work ---> mark it as "OR"

- now put the conditions is the order i told you before


Should be done now

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Gues that will work Gasti, I usually (now too) visit those forums at work and don't have the CK here to give such details.

Uh, now I realized maybe I went to far for the idle dialogues and might have made things confusing, the continue thing is if you wish to put that in the player dialogue and have voice on NPC reply to Player choices. But I guess Tsewe would want that too and he's adding player dialogue.

Just curious what you mean by "edits", as I sayed I can't look that up in CK now?

Edited by LukeH
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The CKwiki says

Edits: A comment field that is not included in the export. Rarely used.


I've read that response yesterday and i remember it didn't looked like a "comment". Was more like a sort of text override O.o


Anyway, line with "edits" are tagged with a [E] before them.


I never looked at Addvar ingame, so i don't know if they work as overrides or are effectively just comments (like script comments).

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I FOLLOWED YOUR steps gasti89 and it worked!!!! I can't believe it! So since they are "or", it doesnt relaly change anything to addvar right?

I actually added the "complete quest: tutorial blacksmith dagger" as the 1st condition.


So if I do that for addvar's other dialogues, theyll work for both addvar and my npc????? oooomg


I will never thank you enough Gasti89!!! You're my hero!!


I must also thank you LukeH for your suggestions, though they seemed a bit more complicated hehe ( i havent tried them, but thank you still)!


*EDIT* hey i just went to solitude and standed still for a few hours next to Addvar in the marketplace, and he never yelled his 3 lines (because ive done the same as you suggested to his 3 lines, so now my NPC yells them all, but none is left for Addvar)

Might it be because Addvar matches the 1st condition?


**EDIT** Now i've changed the "Get quest completed; tutorial blacksmith dagger" (1st condition) for "GetIsCrimeFaction: CrimeFactionWhiterun" so addvar would be excluded (and my NPC is from whiterun). My NPC still says the line so it works for him, but it doesn't work for Addvar. Now that's weird cause he's not part of the CrimeFactionWhiterun. And yes, don't worry I've set the "OR" ticked, and placed all of them conditions as you told me!

Edited by Tsewe
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No i was meaning if you accidentally edited Addvar conditions instead of just adding new ones.


Addvar not saying the line means he doesn't match the conditions, so there are two cases:


- the solitude quest isn't completed (you may have just "coc" to solitude without the quest taking place)


- Something changed in conditions so Addvar doesn't match all (this means you may have adited them or mistaked some AND and OR)


I don't know other possible culprits. Doublecheck the conditions and make sure the solitude quest is finished.

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