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Prestige Classes...


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I finished Magicka Bond, which allows Diviners to pool their magicka with someone else. It's not hostile, but can be performed on unwilling targets. Generally, the weaker mage is more subject to the spellcasting whims of the stronger mage. Also Lightning Mark which "paints" a single NPC who the Warmage can then call lightning down on with an On Self spell.


And with that, I'm out of ideas yet again. A current list of how many new steps are needed for the paths.


Gladiator: Full. (Though I'd rather tack another ability on so they have more than three heavilly leveled ones)

Duelist: Needs one step.

Guardian: Needs one step.

Warmage: Needs three steps. (Though some existing spells can be made leveled if absolutely necessary, it's still not quite enough)

Diviner: Full.

Illusionist: Needs three steps. (1 if I ever get Phantasmal Army working, but I'm starting to think of more powers for the Illusionist now)

Spy (renamed Asassin. Also really makes me want Team Fortress 2): Full.

Scout: Full.

Manipulator: Full


Any ideas come to mind?


EDIT: Finished off the Diviner's power list. It seems like my number one method of curing Mage's Block is to ask other people for ideas, even if they don't respond. :sweat:

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Arcane Archer? a mage that can do spells to there archerry ae magic arrows something like that



Col John Sheppard

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Add phantasmall army, had another idea. It shouldbe possible to import mostly everything needed to build a NPC-like mesh in max/blender, including items/ animations. You would end up with a npc-like monster. (Akaviri ghost-like). And to make them realy phantasmal you could give them realy realy short (almost flat) colision boxes in nifscope.
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Arcane Archer? a mage that can do spells to there archerry ae magic arrows something like that

Already the focus of an entire mod.


Add phantasmall army, had another idea. It shouldbe possible to import mostly everything need to build a normal NPC in max/blender, including items/ animations. You could create a normal npc-like monster. (Akaviri ghost-like). And to make them realy phantasmal you could give them realy realy short (almost flat) colision boxes in nifscope.
Actually, some initial tests do suggest you can just slap armor on a human skeleton for a creature, but I have no reason to believe it's about NPC AI as opposed to Actor AI, and would rather not "take the plunge" for something as simple as that. Full Dwemer armor and Chameleon 1 already make them look suitably phantasmal.
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