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Nifskope on Supermutants


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First, sorry for my tedious English. I am sucked in that. :dance:


I'm working on a mod gives new appearances and weapons to fo3 mutants, the purpose of which is to differentiate them from NV mutants. As reading a tutorial carefully, it's ok to transport Blocks between mutants.The problem is when I copy the branches of non-mutants and adopt them into the one. These meshes show up as floating or not following the subject's animation. For example, I've managed to adopt a headwrap on a mutant which looks pretty good. But when a shot rids his head off, the headwrap remains in the air floating on the headless.


I've figured out that human-based headgears are missing 'Bip01 Neck1' and 'Bip01 Spine1' so it might be related to that. But even if it is, I cannot figure out how can I link the mesh to a node. Tutorials are all ambiguious and out of my comprhension in this matter.


If someone can provides an easy roadmap just for one attaching a headgear to a mutant's head correctly, I'll try up the last.

Thanks for the patience. :ohdear:



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