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Jonah Whitehorse, The Last Apache


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((First Off i do not own the credits to the Last Apache mod for new vegas, i just loved it so much I had to write a story based around my character while using the mod))




Jonah Whitehorse sat quietly at the bar, Trudy the owner of the Prospector Saloon watched the strange looking man quietly. Not knowing who he was or where he was from. His clothing bearing many feathers and beads along

with strange tribal symbols but his revolver bearing a golden NCR bear and star with the words "For Honorable Service" written under the bear on the weapons grip. Its trigger was worn and silvered meaning he was good with it and it had a lot of use. The stranger sat drinking his fifth glass of whiskey when two powder gangers strolled in.


"Give us a drink or well start blastin' these 'ere folks!" The first said loudly. His partner laughed and slapped him on the back as they began waving their guns around. The second ganger heading for the back to take a piss.


"Fine, just pay for what you drink..." Says Trudy as she picks up a bottle of vodka from the shelf behind her, she pours them each a shot from the bottle.


The first powder ganger sits at the bar and grabs her hand as he reaches for his pistol, as he does the stranger says "Stop!" very loudly the other powder ganger coming up behind the stranger and placing the pistol barrel of a 9mm to the back of his head and thumbing back the hammer.


"I'd let the ladies hand go now son, before you make yourself a fatal mistake..." said the stranger in a low tone. Almost calm by Trudie's thoughts.


The powder ganger laughed hysterically and turned his gun on the stranger, letting her hand free.


"What makes you think you can shoot me without my partner killing you right after?" Asked the bandit.


Jonah smiled and said "Him..." then he gestured over his shoulder to a tall black wolf growling behind the second powder ganger, He turned around in a startle and the wolf moved closer. The bandit nearly pissing himself with

fear as the wolfs lips curl back to reveal two rows of large white fangs, and an evil growl coming from the beast as its yellow eyes peer at the ganger. Moving steadily closer, the bandits expression goes from afraid to terrified as the wolf approaches.


"Tell your friend to calm down and Shadow will not hurt him, unless I tell him too..." said Jonah in his calm tone.


The ganger at the bar nodded to his friend but the other bandit flinched and Shadow reacted, then in the blink of an eye Shadow leapt onto the screaming ganger. As he fell back he fired a shot into the roof, The ganger at the bar stands quickly but Jonah draws his pistol like lightning and before the ganger can react he fires three shots into his chest, sending him flying. The remaining ganger screams and cries as the wolf chews at his face, biting at his hands as he tries to swat him off, growling ferociously.


Trudy stands up from behind the bar, she watches as the stranger yells "Deeya!" in a strange language. Confirming her belief he is a tribal of some sort. The wolf stops its attack at his masters command, the bandit still alive but bleeding heavily. The stranger grabs him by the collar of his blue NCRCF uniform and pulls him up to his face, locking eyes with the criminal.


"My name is Jonah Whitehorse, former Sergeant in the New California Rangers and a warrior of the Apache tribe, If I ever see you or one of your gang again. I will not hesitate to feed his guts to my wolf..." He said menacingly then drug the bandit to his feet.


The Apache bared his teeth in anger and threw the wounded criminal into the stools, the bandit alight with fear scrambled to his feet and ran for the door and out into the wastes. Jonah reached into his jacket and grabbed a small leather bag, he pulled out a handful of caps and then threw the bartender the bag. Placing his caps in his pocket and taking out a rolled cigarillo he struck a match on the bar counter and left saying "Sorry for the mess" as he stepped out of the saloon.

Edited by Macman253
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