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Armor mods only apply to the character?


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So...I am NOT a modder in any way, shape, or form. This is why I'm asking this. Is there a way to apply armor mods only to the player character? I have a skimpy armor mod, but I'd like everyone else to remain normal. Like I said, I'm not a modder, so I don't know how difficult this would be or if it would even be possible. Any help/explanations would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
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From your description it sounds like you downloaded an armor replacer. That is, it changes the look of already existing armor, like the daedric armor set.


What you want is the "skimpy" armor set you have as a standalone armor set. Take another look on the mod page if there is an alternative version of the mod file that does this, or you can ask the author and if you are in luck, they will release such a version if they havn't already.

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