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Local Map Improvement

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This is quite a different thingy... I you build a dungeon with several floors (e.g. 1st floor and 2nd floor direct above 1st) they will be mixed together on every local map.


If you want every floor on one map you need to create a cell for every floor, and that means you need to load every floor as a single cell (thats quite hilarous (you walk 10m and need to load a new level...walk again 10m and load again...)

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  • 11 months later...

Sorry for "necro'ing" this topic, but I think that the local map really needs some attention. There was a very nice mod made for Oblivion, which "coloured" the local map. Here it is:




A similar effect, from what I know, was achieved by modifying a line in oblivion.ini, as outlined here:




Now, I tried the latter, but it doesn't work in Skyrim (skyrim.ini or skyrim prefs doesn't matter)




It would be nice to have a similar effect in the Skyrim local map, IMO :smile:

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