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Scripting help for Phenderix? Please?


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I am having trouble with global variables on some Mark and Recall spells I am working on - I have never used them before - and I can't seem to get there values to save any help?



Code for Mark Spell


Scriptname PhenderixTeleportMarkScript extends ActiveMagicEffect


ObjectReference caster




Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

caster = Game.getPlayer()




Debug.notification("Mark position updated. ")

Debug.notification("Mark X Value: " + ZZMarkLocationX.getValue() + " Player X Value " + caster.getPositionX() )



GlobalVariable Property ZZMarkLocationX Auto

GlobalVariable Property ZZMarkLocationY Auto

GlobalVariable Property ZZMarkLocationZ Auto




Code for Recall Spell


Scriptname PhenderixTeleportRecallScript extends ActiveMagicEffect


ObjectReference caster



Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

if(ZZMarkLocationX.getValue() == 0)

Debug.notification("You have not marked a location yet.")


if(ZZMarkLocationX.getValue() != 0)

caster = Game.getPlayer()

caster.setPosition(ZZMarkLocationX.GetValue(), ZZMarkLocationY.GetValue(), ZZMarkLocationZ.getValue())




GlobalVariable Property ZZMarkLocationX Auto

GlobalVariable Property ZZMarkLocationY Auto

GlobalVariable Property ZZMarkLocationZ Auto








In the recall spell when those notifications come up it always says that ZZMarkLocationX is 0...any suggestions?

Edited by phenderix
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Did you remember to set your properties? If you named your properties the same as the global variables, then you can just push the "auto-fill all" button.


Something you might want to consider is that each city and each interior is its own world space, with its own set of coordinates.

Edited by fg109
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Thanks you so much!!!


I just hit auto-fill on the properties and the spells work perfectly now!




Have already given you kudos so nothing more I can do :(

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