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Dovahkiin Mercenary Gear Help?


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Hey there, im very new to all this modding, i have the nexus download manager, i installed this Dovahkiin Mercenary Gear from lust designs, it looks brilliant, done a very good job, but im a little confused and wandering if someone could help, i've installed it yet, i can't see it anywhere in game ? Am i doing something wrong ?


Thanks guys.

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Quote from the ReadMe:

Acquire Instructions:

Armor and Weapons:

1. Craft: Everything but the Horse armor is Craftable under the "Leather" section of the forge once you have "Steel Smithing" perk unlocked.

2. Console: Type "Help Mercenary 0" or "Help Dovahkiin 0" into the console.


1. Just buy a horse from WHITERUN and it will come Armored. If It doesnt show after you buy it, just fast travel to any other city's stable, thus respawning the horse and armoring it.


You need to craft your Armor ingame...

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