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Argonian Warpaint


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I've tried to make a few custom war paints for my tribal argonians but when I add them in game they centre around the top of the head, rather than the full face. It seems to be mapping the paint onto the face wrongly. Even if I create a fully white texture it just creates a white square on the top of the head when added as a warpaint.


Extra info:

- I'm using GIMP and exporting them as dds files with a dx1 extension, but I've also tried dx3.

- I've tried replacing textures instead of creating new ones but that has the same effect.


I really think it has something to do with how I'm saving it, as they're fine immediately after being unpacked. The problem arises after running it through GIMP. Any help on this one would be greatly appreciated.

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Nevermind, I just found out in GIMP you have to save with compression "none" and untick "generate mipmaps", just in case anyone stumbles across this thread with the same problem :biggrin:


Edit: Actually that seemed to work for a bit, but now it's back to being screwy again :wallbash: ... so if anyone does have any ideas =]


Edit#2: Okay so finally found a fix. Unpack a warpaint texture from the bsa. Only work on the original texture, you can resize for working purposes but the texture size must be reverted back to 256x256 for saving. Save with compression "none" and untick "generate mipmaps". Knowing my luck this fix will cease to work in a minute but I hope it's useful to someone anyway.

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