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Looking for a mod.


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Looking for a mod for skyrim that removes the underwear when you take a characters NPC, Follower etc armor or clothes off.
âI had one installed that did that but i recently did a complete reinstall as i seem to have issues installing mods using the Nexus mod manager and now i can't find said mod.

I would really like to find a similar mod that removes the underwear but also makes the body texture more a higher quality and a bit more realistic instead of vanilla which let's face it, female followers or NPCs in skimpy outfits doesn't look appealing to the eyes let alone if they are naked.

I had installed the bodyslide for ENB, HTD not sure of what the rest are called, using the Nexus mod manager which worked and everything i had installed was working.
However, though everything that i had installed was working, i was experiencing long load times when entering environments or it auto quick saved after 15 minutes which is roughly the amount of time it would take before the long loads would start.

About the first 15 to 20 minutes of gameplay the game would load just fine, would run smooth and loading when entering other environments was quick like thirty seconds, sometimes almost instant.
âAfter that 15 to 20 minutes of smooth gameplay, the environment loads started taking 5 to 10 minutes to load or even longer.

âSo after uninstalling everything including what i installed using NMM and reinstalling the base game and a few mods manually, the game runs perfectly fine like it should.
âI just have not been able to find this mod or something like it but better that doesn't have much if any requirements just for removing underwear and upgrading the skin texture and body a bit.

âIf anyone knows where i could get something like that and let's me know with a link at least, would be much appreciated.
Have spent maybe 12 hours mod hunting and getting this game to the way i like it as well as tracking what works and still not finished.
But it is 20 minutes to 4am and i am tired, so excuse my rambling long post which is part of the reason it's long.

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so you had a body mod installed . you just need to get one again

there are plenty to choose from , like CBBE UNP or 7Base to name a few

so look through them (they are usually under the Models and Textures category , most of them being some of the most endorsed files in the category , so they should be extremely easy to find) , choose the one that looks best and install it

they usually all come with great textures , but you can also install another texture afterwards (you can find these in the same category , just make sure the texture is compatible with the body mod you choose)

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