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Mod for lowering graphics quality?


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Is there a mod that slightly lowers graphics quality so lower specs computers can play it? I'm not asking for an Oldblivion equivalent, that's going overboard. I can run Skyrim fine at 15-20fps on minimum settings, but it's still pretty laggy in places with bright lights. I googled it but they all point to a mod that no longer exists on nexus... and the author didn't bother even naming the mod. :rolleyes:
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And there's this one. It might be too extreme though, since you said you want to preserve the graphics. The framerate gain is large though.



And this can sometimes improve performance. If it doesn't do anything, at least it's easy to get rid of. It only works for certain people.



Also, download a program such as Game Booster, assuming you haven't already.

Edited by Rennn
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Thank you, I used this combination:

- Game booster 3

- Skyrim Performance Plus (all 4 versions)

- Cancel shadows lighting mod

In total it gave me around +5~10 fps. At 20+ fps now it doesn't feel that laggy anymore. It gives around <+5 fps without game booster. I was really hesitative on using game booster since that means I gotta launch it every time, and I don't feel comfortable keep disabling and re-enabling system process, which could be dangerous. I'm debating if that extra +~5 fps is worth it.

Edited by Heartcloud
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