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[LE] Attack Speed Increase

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Im making a mod that changes the perks in the Light/Heavy Armor Skill Trees and in the Light Armor one I'm making a perk that increases attack speed when wearing all light armor. It's a 2-point perk, the first rank increases it by 10% and the second by 20%.(I might change these values but thats irrelevant here.) They work for the most part, problem is when I have both ranks it makes the attack speed too high. I can only assume it's taking the 1.10 attack speed modifier and multiplying it by the 1.20 modifier of the second rank. In short what I need is help figuring out how to modify the attack speed multiplier in an additive sense so it'll end up being like this.


100% Base Attack Speed

+20% from Swiftblade Rank 2 (Modded Perk)

+30% Kynareth's Wind (Power I plan to add)

150% Attack Speed

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Make a condition for those perks: if the other is active - that one isn't.

As in if the 2nd is enabled than the 1st one isn't - make the comparison number 0.


About the additive part - I don't think that's possible. But taking into account the number you are using for Swiftblade and your final goal: leave it on multiply but change Kynareth's Wind to 25% instead of 30 - (x+20%)+25%=x*1.2*1.25=x*1.5=x+50%.


Good luck!

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I was thinking about somehow disabling the first rank when the second was aquired and modifying the buff on Kynareth's Wind to be around 150%, I was just making sure there wasn't a different way first. You clarified it and explained what to do, so thanks man.

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Huh, intresting. I got Swiftblade's 2nd rank to work properly, but when I got to making the Kynareth's Wind power I put in the attack speed modifier at 1.25 like you said. However the game seems to use this value differently when it stems from a power than a perk, it DID stack onto the perk additivly, so putting it in at a value of 1.25 made the Attackspeedmult Value 2.45. Changing the magnitude to .30 made the total 1.50 with the power and perk active.


Another thing to note is it seems whenever the first of any type of weaponspeedmult value modifier is applies, it sets that value to 0 first. I activated the power without learning the perks first, and my value was .30, found that interesting. (I'll have to put in a warning about that when I upload the mod after it's done.)


On an unreleated note I see your avatar and the UI theme starts playing in my head.

Edited by Hatsodoom
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