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Need help with a gremlin issue for XBONE export [FO4]


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I've been banging my head against the wall for days over this.

I have created a simple LUT texture replacement modified all the vanilla imagespaces to point to the new LUT. This allows me to essentially color grade the game. If Pilgrim for consoles is ever to work, this is an essential part of that.


Here is the script I used to modify the imagespaces:

unit UserScript;
function Process(e: IInterface): integer;
    if Signature(e) <> 'IMGS' then
    AddMessage('Processing: ' + FullPath(e));
    SetElementEditValues(e, 'TX00 - LUT', 'Effects\LUTs\pilgrim.dds');

The dds was saved using the NVidia DDS plugin for photoshop in this format:

The insanely frustrating issue is that the esp and the LUT works on PC, but is essentially ignored on XBONE (it actually removes the vanilla LUT texture as well, but does not apply my LUT texture)

I've tried many different things, including trying to use Elric to convert the dds in multiple different dds formats, to no avail. Can anyone help me see what I'm doing wrong here? Does the game on console just not allow replacement of the LUTs in "Textures/Effects/LUTs" ?

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