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Weapon and armour mods Do not work at all


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Hello everyone. So lately ive downloaded a lot of skyrim mods, most of which work for me, however all the armor and weapon mods i have gotten do not work. Ive tried several different ones, and a few enhancement mods such as "a better white run" and none of these work either. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for me? ive tried re-installing skyrim and all the mods several times as well as changing settings/preferences for both skyrim and NMM etc.
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Weird stuff. Have you tried downloading the weapons/armour mods manually (I'm thinkin' they're either meshes&textures or textures alone) and then inspecting the folders and files to see what's there. Then, go to where your skyrim's installed and check to see that those same meshes/ textures have been installed into the game? E.g. if, after unzipping or unrar'g the mod download, the mod's folders are textures/armor/steel/(texture files) then make sure that there's a folder at steamapps/common/skyrim/data/textures/armor/steel that contains those same texture files. (It's easier if it's the first mod that creates such a file path, if it's not you might have to actually look at the texture files (.dds) to see if it's the particluar .dds's from the mod in question. I use a program called XPS viewer, it's freely available on the interwebs.


If not, something's gone hoopy on your installation (obviously, I guess) and you could (i) copy and paste the mod's files into the relevant location in your game files; or (ii) create your own zip file for the mod and upload that via NMM (I think there's different ways to do it, but I'll right click on the "data" folder in my mod, "add to archive" with 7zip (naming the file, which will be default simply be "data", to the mod name so I can remember it), then download the file with NMM (ie via the first blue icon underneath the "mods" tab and activate it after NMM uploads it into your mod list.


If you have the files from the mod in your steam file path, I'd be at a total loss as to what could be wrong.

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