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accurate melee strikes and accurate wounding please!!!&#33


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i think you all may agree. accuracy is absent from skyrim. i have crimson tide installed and it does produce blood. but often not from the place you hit. to be honest dead island was inaccurate enough. but skyrim is just awful oftentimes. could we PLEASE make a mod that REWARDS accuracy??????????????

the best would be cripling and dismemberment. but at least give us the satisfaction of blood coming from the proper place, maybe the enemy reacting in pain or falling back from that particular blow, or more damage from head shots etc. maybe more damage exists but you'd never know it. to be honest you don't feel rewarded for where you land your blows. its awful in my opinion. do you all agree???????????????


can we please get a mod to make this nice and accurate and proper? such a mod would add so much to the combat. thanks a lot. i appreciate any and all feedback.



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