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Weapons Take Damage - An Idea


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This idea hinges on 2 questions:

1 ) Can a Workbench be made to run from a script?

2 ) Can a Workbench be made to run without animation?


If the answer to those questions can be made to be yes... (phrased like that to indicate how tough it might be.)


Then we would need something like Whetstones by richmond_b, only made to be invisible and weightless.


Then the right type of script to capture the OnHit() event.


Within an OnHit() block of code...


We add a Perk to the player, that has a Perk Entry that is set to Modify Tempering Health by Multiply Value by -1.


Make the Player use the Workbench to temper the weapon that is part of the OnHit() event.


Remove the Perk from the player.



So, can a workbench be made to run from a script, and without animation?


Ideas, anyone?

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