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Skyrim Crashes When I Enter Combat


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My load order from LOOT:

0 0 Skyrim.esm

1 1 Update.esm

Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp

2 2 Dawnguard.esm

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp

3 3 HearthFires.esm

Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp

4 4 Dragonborn.esm

5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp

Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp

6 6 Falskaar.esm

7 7 RaceCompatibility.esm

8 8 BeeingFemale.esm

9 9 Apachii_DivineEleganceStore.esm

10 a HighResTexturePack01.esp

11 b HighResTexturePack02.esp

12 c HighResTexturePack03.esp

13 d NewLoadingScreens.esp

14 e nov. 13 2012 mod werewolf conjure.esp

15 f FS_SwordofTruth.esp

16 10 FS_Ygrayne.esp

17 11 WeightMorphs.esp

18 12 Palaces Castles Enhanced.esp

19 13 GenesisOfSolstheim.esp

20 14 Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin.esp

21 15 SoundsofSkyrimComplete.esp

22 16 lanterns of skyrim - all in one.esp

23 17 sos - the wilds.esp

24 18 PsijicOrder.esp

25 19 sos - civilization.esp

26 1a TerminatorRace.esp

27 1b DralisiPoA.esp

28 1c Seductress Serana.esp

29 1d Wa Ribbon.esp

30 1e Intriguante's Wear NO.esp

31 1f ColovianNobleClothes.esp

32 20 FNIS.esp

33 21 SkyUI.esp

34 22 RaceMenu.esp

35 23 RaceMenuPlugin.esp

36 24 RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp

37 25 RealisticNeedsandDiseases.esp

38 26 RND_Dawnguard-Patch.esp

39 27 RND_Dragonborn-Patch.esp

40 28 FCO - Follower Commentary Overhaul.esp

41 29 Distant DetailHF.esp

42 2a ISD_DragonspearCraft.esp

43 2b Immersive Sounds - Weaponry.esp

44 2c dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp

45 2d dD-Dragonborn-Dawnguard-EBT Patch.esp

46 2e dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp

47 2f ADEC_SuccubusArmor.esp

48 30 altvamplord.esp

49 31 CustomRaces.esp

50 32 FNIS_PCEA2.esp

51 33 HearthfireMultiKid.esp

52 34 VVE.esp

53 35 HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp

54 36 ScopedBows_EagleEyeTweak.esp

55 37 ScopedBows_ArrowTweaks.esp

56 38 dragonslayer.esp

57 39 BerserkDragonslayer.esp

58 3a 12FemaleBrows.esp

59 3b CitrusHead - Standalone.esp

60 3c SimpleOutfitManager.esp

61 3d PlayRandomIdle.esp

62 3e BeeingFemaleBasicAddOn.esp

63 3f Dragon Born Castle.esp

64 40 sos - the dungeons.esp

65 41 MrissiTailOfTroubles.esp

66 42 ScopedBows.esp

67 43 bettermorthal.esp

Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim.esp

68 44 The Beasts Of Skyrim.esp

69 45 Better Vampire NPCs.esp

70 46 morevillageanimals.esp

71 47 Dwarfsphere.esp

72 48 spellsneak.esp

73 49 Cloaks.esp

74 4a more enemies.esp

75 4b betterfactionscomplete.esp

76 4c becheman_imperial.esp

77 4d nightingale.esp

78 4e archersarsenal.esp

79 4f Hassildor.esp

80 50 MiraakFollower.esp

81 51 Marriable Serana.esp

82 52 duskfalll.esp

83 53 thereserve_v2.esp

84 54 spellpack1.esp

85 55 Duel - Combat Realism.esp

86 56 ArmorCap93e.esp

87 57 SilverDragonArmor.esp

88 58 br_hoodcirclets.esp

89 59 Billyro's Weapons.esp

90 5a Marriable Serana HF.esp

91 5b KNM_Mour.esp

92 5c herman.esp

93 5d Apachii_DivineEleganceStore_Patch.esp

94 5e molagbalknightlagrie.esp

95 5f quest_pitfighter.esp

96 60 Armor of Justice.esp

97 61 the hunting game - thegreylight.esp

98 62 RND_HearthFires-Patch.esp

99 63 RND_AnimalLoot.esp

100 64 Thanatos Dragonx.esp

101 65 LPBards.esp

102 66 DSerArcheryGameplayOverhaul.esp

103 67 Kavula_Vampire_Followers.esp

104 68 ISWeaponry Enhanced Blood Patch.esp

105 69 XPMSE.esp

106 6a communitycollege.esp

107 6b the divine amulet retexture by andre7890.esp

108 6c set_walking_dead_sp0.esp

109 6d bones and skeletons retexture.esp

110 6e nocturnal robes.esp

111 6f ForgottenCity.esp

112 70 whiteruninenhanced.esp

113 71 The Pit.esp

114 72 KNM_AcalyphaFollower.esp

115 73 harkon's sword improved.esp

116 74 riverwoodenhancedplugin.esp

117 75 sheogorath_shout.esp

118 76 spellpack2.esp

119 77 spellpack4.esp

120 78 spellpack3.esp

121 79 tavewindhelm.esp

122 7a dragon knowledge spell.esp

123 7b dualcastingcostfixed.esp

124 7c rrhairkhajiit.esp

125 7d diamondarmorheavy.esp

126 7e highervisibilityore.esp

127 7f brat_richer_merchants_sp0.esp

128 80 dle_en.esp

129 81 weir_weightlessgems.esp

130 82 fennecrace.esp

131 83 arvakskull-marker.esp

132 84 Socially Alert Guards (Guard Dialogue Tweaks).esp

133 85 crimeenchanced.esp

134 86 better training.esp

135 87 weaponsoftheshogunate.esp

136 88 LagrieDarkSet.esp

137 89 enhancedlightingforrealisticlighting.esp

138 8a armored-horses.esp

139 8b whiterunexenhanced.esp

140 8c taveriften.esp

141 8d Kate.esp

142 8e SuccubusRaceLite.esp

143 8f darkproject.esp

144 90 tavesolitude.esp

145 91 raeza.esp

146 92 Better Vampire Weapons.esp

147 93 WildHerdsOfSkyrim.esp

148 94 Better Vampires.esp

149 95 Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp

150 96 Volkihar Knight.esp


151 97 Vampirelordroyal.esp

152 98 karlos_007_allow_vampire.esp

153 99 matys knights of the nine armor 2.1.esp

154 9a tavefalkreath.esp

155 9b azureaurasword.esp

156 9c follower map markers.esp

157 9d Sulfuras The Reclaimed Hand - Johnskyrim.esp

158 9e restoration_spell resurrect.esp

159 9f Cute Adoptable.esp

160 a0 Horses for followers.esp

161 a1 acedogcompanion.esp

162 a2 ArtoriasLagrie.esp

163 a3 The Oasis.esp

164 a4 BlackSacramentArmor.esp

165 a5 OrnsteinLagrie.esp

166 a6 Hermit.esp

167 a7 werewolvesofskyrim.esp

168 a8 private_nokillblur_test.esp

169 a9 Medusa and Drakul Armors.esp

170 aa AshenNordicSword.esp

171 ab Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp

172 ac raven witch armor.esp

173 ad LustmordVampireArmor.esp

174 ae BetaAlphaKnightLagrie.esp

175 af havellagrie.esp

176 b0 moredragonloot.esp

177 b1 bluearchmage.esp

178 b2 insanity's celtic katana.esp

179 b3 followers_stealthkills.esp

180 b4 AdventurersAndTravelers.esp

181 b5 argoniantints.esp

182 b6 FS_Skycutter.esp

183 b7 werebear beast form (non-replacer).esp

184 b8 ultimatedurnehviir.esp

185 b9 diamondweapons1.0.esp

186 ba aod - fullplate.esp

187 bb daedriccrossbow.esp

188 bc dragonbonecrossbow.esp

189 bd faction crossbows.esp

190 be daedricassassinarmorlight.esp

191 bf glimmer.esp

192 c0 ancienttonguessword.esp

smarter combat ai.esp

193 c1 yukikaze.esp

194 c2 elven archer armor.esp

195 c3 ConjurationMadnessModv1.esp

196 c4 Cute Babette.esp

197 c5 joomasslightning.esp

198 c6 Tainted_Blood.esp

199 c7 zangetsuallforms.esp

200 c8 art_nord_sp0.esp

201 c9 FeaFollower.esp

202 ca ktxcompleteskyforge.esp

203 cb item recycling.esp

204 cc Ruru.esp

205 cd Kamille.esp

206 ce Berserk Follower.esp

207 cf Megumi2017.esp

208 d0 engineering.esp

209 d1 EllaFollower.esp

210 d2 apex werewolf.esp

211 d3 followerwander2.esp

212 d4 LovelyHairstylesCE.esp

213 d5 black mage armor.esp

214 d6 dragonboneebonsteel.esp

215 d7 theeyesofbeauty.esp

216 d8 darkseraticheavyarmor.esp

217 d9 LeftHandRings.esp

218 da better embers.esp

219 db dr_bandolier.esp

220 dc purewaters.esp

221 dd RND_PureWaters-Patch.esp

222 de pureweather.esp

223 df saturationboost.esp

224 e0 set_werewolves_sp0.esp

225 e1 BVandRoyalBloodline_Patch.esp

226 e2 PurityDN.esp

227 e3 SoS_PureWeater_Patch.esp

228 e4 Bashed Patch, 0.esp

As stated in the title, my game ctd when I enter combat. I can sneak past enemies and play the game normally so long as I don't get into combat.

I've made sure to run FNIS for the animation mods

I've run Wyre Bash to make sure the plugins are functionng correctly. The plugins are all in the green with the exception of the psyjic order mod ''24 18'' that is orange. It is orange because the mod wants me to reverse the load order of dawnguard and dragonborn.

I've also run tes5 edit and checked LOOT to make sure there are no dirty plugins.

I've got little experience with tes5 edit, So I can't be sure how to fix it from there.

Any help in this would be much appreciated.

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