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How to Change bow sound


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I made an arrow mod today and I want to change the sound I hear when I shoot\load an arrow.

I tried everywhere in the ck including those place in the arrow objects:



Thanks for the help.

Edited by majistik
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You're looking at the wrong places. Projectile sound is the sound flying by, ammo is pickup/putdown. The sounds you are looking for are part of the animations involved. You can simply open the animation with Notepad++ and look for an entry "Soundplay.xxx". This leads to the Sound Marker & Sound Description in the CK.


So probably the wav files defined in Sound Description -> WPNBow...SD is what you are looking for. :thumbsup:

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You're looking at the wrong places. Projectile sound is the sound flying by, ammo is pickup/putdown. The sounds you are looking for are part of the animations involved. You can simply open the animation with Notepad++ and look for an entry "Soundplay.xxx". This leads to the Sound Marker & Sound Description in the CK.


So probably the wav files defined in Sound Description -> WPNBow...SD is what you are looking for. :thumbsup:


Animation of the bow or of the arrow? where are those files in the BSA-animation? I never touched animation file before.



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No, the character animations, in meshes/actors/character/animations/bow....hkx


not a single hkx file in the entire extracted meshes forder :S. im confused.


ahh never mind is in animation like i said

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There is bow_release.hks which is nice i can probably change the sound there but what about the draw sound (the draw are 12 diffrent files?! why?)








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No, the bowdrawn_xxx.hkx are are the movement/turning animations while the bow is drawn. They more likely have footstepsound, if any. It's probably those 2 animations bow_drawheavy and bow_drawlight.


Both animations carry 2 sound descriptions:

- WPNBowNockSD, which seems to start at the beginning

- WPNBowPullLPM, which starts at 0.8 sec and ends at 1.533 sec for light, and 2.333 for heavy


Hope that helps. :thumbsup:

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Thats really helps! One last question does that means i will need to make a special bow with those sounds(with tihs animation)? or is it possible to relate that to my specific arrows? Edited by majistik
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Looks like you didn't want to hear the bad news. :biggrin: I told you that it's part of the character animation, and not related to bow or arrow.


But maybe there is hope.


In the Sound descriptor it is possible to define a condition, under which the sound is played. So define a condition that the sound will NOT be played, if your character carries this bow. And then play the sound from a script.


The only other way I see to do it is to make a new animation and change behavior files. But I don't know if anyone is even able yet to make these kind of changes.

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Too complicated for me i guess. I have angry bird arrow mod and i want to change the sound to the angry birds sound, but thats sound very difficult. Is this a hard work? if its easy can you explain it to me in steps?

I know nothing about scripting or animation :S


cancelling the bow sound is not nessecry. I love the bow pull sounds. just want to add angry birds sound.


You also said

You're looking at the wrong places. Projectile sound is the sound flying by, ammo is pickup/putdown.

I also have sounds for the pickup of an arrow, but still when changing the pickup/putdown values i cant hear any change.



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