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Name weapons without enchanting them . . .


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There's already a mod for that. It lets you rename absolutaly anything. It's called Jaxonz Renamer. Just hit \ to rename stuff. So you can rename J'Zargo "Mittens", or rename a strongbox "shitpile" or anything else.

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  • 10 months later...

What about just using a very weak soul gem, and then letting the charge run out?

Wouldn't that serve the same purpose?


If you want to learn the Creation Kit, I think this would be very simple mod to make yourself. you could copy a different enchantment, remove the actual enchantment,and then name that enchantment "Rename".

Create a weapon that has that enchantment.

Then when you load the game and your mod, use the console to give yourself that weapon. disenchant it, and now you have a rename enchantment you could apply to other weapons.

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There is a mod called Jaxonz Renamer that allows you to rename almost anything in the game, by pointing at it and pressing a hotkey. I rename most of my weapons like this. Just drop the sword you want to rename on the ground, hover over with the crosshair, and rename. It also has a hotkey that renames the item globally, if you wanted to.

EDIT: Apparently this has already been posted above. My bad.

Edited by f0xtr0t666
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