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cobl and the voice


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i,ve installed cobl (i have obse and silent voice elys or a name like this for thi important plugin), but when i play the voice of the npc are missed, while the npc of mods like lost spires (that haven't a voice - i use obse for this and for fast exit and stutter) obteined a new voice ??????? Why?

I deactivated cobl, but i request you if there are a solution for this problem.


thank you

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Make sure language versions aren't differing. Whole races can go mute when there's a single plugin made for a different language version in your load order.

Additionally, if there were mute mod-added races before which now very well have a voice, this is another sign that the internal language version got switched by one such plugin.

Those mod-added races were only mute before, because their plugins were made for a different language version of the game and their voice files are in differently named folders.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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