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Animated textures in .nif not properly working as OMOD


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Demonstration video.

Here's a link to two .nifs.
blademod_shish_flame.nif is my custom nif, the flame effect animated using the same method in the vanilla Shishkebab nif. Does not animate when equipped.
Shishkebab.nif is the vanilla Shishkebab nif, with the only change being the attach point from BSConnectPoints:Parents to BSConnectPoints:Children to allow attaching to my weapon as an OMOD. Does not animate when equipped either, despite being identical to the vanilla nif, so theoretically should be able to work fine.
I'm guessing that OMOD nifs can't use animated textures, as even the unchanged, working nif doesn't animate properly. Would like to know if there is a way around this limitation, or some kind of way to "fake" the animated texture.
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  • 4 years later...

Its not OMOD compression, I've built .nifs from scratch, exactly reproducing the controller/interpolator and other effect properties that are found in vanilla animated textures such as waterfalls. It doesn't matter how perfectly you do this, F4 won't allow your 'foreign' animated texture to function in-game. It can work perfectly in the editor, just not in game. I think there may be an asset list somewhere, that manages anything on that list (has an animation) for memory management purposes, and there just may not be a way for us to see it or add our nifs to it. That is the only thing I can think of at this point, which might explain this.

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I didn't animate the weapon. I wasn't interested in weapons. But everything else I animated. There were no problems. nif's I made in 3ds with bgs exporter, using vanilla and custom gamebryo sequences. You can just as easily make looped animations and uv animations without sequences at all (I used such animations in clothes). You just need to switch the controller flags in nifscope to "Cycle". Vanilla adddon's are mostly "SpecialIdle". In fact, it's easy to not use a sequence at all if you don't need tags (such as sound). uv animations always work.
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