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Clothing Replacer for Gunners


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I didn't want to make an overly complicated mod. Plus, does the Author require permission for those?








You got the individual ranks and power armor to work? Awesome!







Also, Oynlen! If you feel like adding a couple more weapons... From what Beastmaster suggested, we could get

PPSH https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17590


and then

Elysium AK https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/31810



PPSH for Infantry

And then the Elysium AK for Commanders. It has a really cool Scifi look to it, mixing with that Fallout stuff to make it really cool.

Edited by DrkSwtHrt
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Hey, this sounds like an awesome mod idea! Did anything ever come of it?


Unfortunately, no. Someone once made a "beta" of it (very minimal), but later deleted it. I would still want it. But with permission requirements it couldn't be publicly released, and would have to be private.

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