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Light Sabers and HDT Star Wars Armor


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After searching for a while for light sabers the only one I could really find is Magicka sabers which honestly is still good, however it doesn't have any of the unique or new sabers from the lore of the series. Although I searched general terms instead of specific sabers or jedi or dark lords as I figured they would be a sort of content pack.



If someone were to make HDT armors from Star Wars I would like to see at LEAST Revan's armor. Other armors that would be cool to see would be Tulak Hord's (concept art instead of what was implemented in The Old Republic), Marka Ragnos's, and Jedi Temple Guard armor. I don't know as much about the armors so there will be less to do here than in the lightsabers part.



If someone wants to make a new Lightsaber mod some examples of sabers they could make would be the Dark Saber, Darth Bane's Lightsaber, Lightsaber Pike (If you think you can make a retractable varient that would be amazing!), Crossguard Lightsabers (maybe both unstable and regular?), Lightsaber shotos as well would be nice. If you really know your lore and want to go WAY back to the Origins of Lightsabers you could even make some of the force imbued weapons the Jedi and Sith used before lightsabers. Maybe with a quest considering the way they were crafted if you are so inclined. I've left out dual bladed sabers because you likely will never see the second blade without being in 3rd person or only for a brief amount of time. Also since some of these are unique maybe we can give them stats or enchantments. For example Darth Bane's lightsaber is a curved hilt that was uncharacteristically light. Most lightsabers are actually rather heavy due to what they were made from and their size. Maybe for Bane's saber we can have it attack just a slight bit faster than a normal weapon or make it do slightly more damage than the tier it is put in when created.



This is more of a combined request than so much requesting a single mod. If you can and want to make both the armor and sabers in a single mod that's fantastic, but it is not required. If you answer the call and require pictures as clarification as to which version of an item I am referencing please do ask and I will get some for you!



Thank you ahead of time to anyone who heeds the call and puts forth any work on this request!

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