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Fanglewood NWN2 Campaign


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Eyeing you questionably, the guild officer starts to explain. “It should only take a couple of days. A yellow package has come up missing somewhere near Woodburrow in Fanglewood Forest… “

“Fanglewood”! You think to yourself. An ancient forest of old, Fanglewood was around when dwarves where tall and goblins mattered. As a child you heard rumors of this place, Fanglewood. Rumors of how bands of Orc’s, bandits and wild beast infest its woods. Mother would always warn “Go into Fanglewood and the wolves will get you!”

“Woodburrow , on the other hand, may not be so bad?” You scratch your head and wonder. As a small village of rugged lumber jacks located in the mid-western part of Fanglewood, its inhabitants manage to eke out a living chopping lumber in Fanglewood Forest, which is considered some of the finest lumber in the realm. The deep dark ale brewed there is nothing less than exceptional and the women are renowned for their amazing skills with wood. “Now if only I can find that little yellow box.”


Fanglewood is a simple quest for a mysterious yellow package that disappears while in rout to Woodburrow. You are a young first time adventurer hired by the Merchants Guild to find this package and deliver it to Woodburrow, but things quickly get complicated as the package eludes you, drawing you ever deeper into the dark forest and the secrets of Fanglewood.




Players: 1


class: Any


Companions: 1-4


Starting level: 1-3


Finishing level: 8-9


Scope: Large


Content: Teen (boobies)


Tricks & Trap: Average


Role-play: Average


Hack & Slash: Heavy


Playing time: 18-20hrs




High Points:


· Custom OC world map of Fanglewood with built in wandering monster system.


· Custom rest system, no more resting just anywhere.


· Encounter system is very flexible, may play with 1 to 4 companions.


· Secrets and hidden things everywhere, secret treasures, secret quests and even secret dungeons!


· Loads of custom content, hak size: 557MB* Uncompressed


· Challenging combat with an emphasis on strategy. If you liked the combat in MinD then you’re going to love this.


· Story line that just might surprise you.


· Side quest… well everybody seems to think you’re a good person to have around!




CREATED BY: Lincoln Robinson


MUSIC BY: Midnight Syndicate


CUSTOM CONTENT: Robinson Workshop, Slowdive, Hellfire, QK, Jaesun999, Mister British, Aleanne, Ugle Duck, Storyteller, Escrimator, Barrel of Monkeys, Botumys


SCRIPTING: Hilltop2021, Knightmare, Sunjammer, Morbane, Epicfetus, Bealzebub


TEST PLAYERS: PJ156, Bealzebub, GFallen01, Omega27, Link44



For tech problem or help the easiest way to reach me is on FB at:



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As of 5/5/12 I’m about 90% done with the building of Fanglewood. Still have two more areas to build and a host of odds and ends to tidy up.


The areas to be completed are a large cave complex that is about 30% finished and an arena area for the final-final boss fight.


The cave complex is actually the second area of The Shallows chapter of the mod. It was fashioned after the description giving in D&D book “UnderDark” using “Deep Caves” tile set by RWS. I really like this tile set for it’s given me the option to build a lake in the middle of the area with a stream running into and out of the area.


The final-final boss area hasn’t even been started yet but shouldn’t take me to long for this is just an arena area and not very large. I am thinking that the player may have to take a boat down the stream to get there. Will see.


Some of the loose ends I have to do are like finishing my smash box table. Its a smash-able placeable or container that when smashed randomly selects an item from a table of 100 possibilities. These items can range from a potion or scroll to junk like a broken dagger hilt or old bones.


I also still have to do companion backgrounds, drag… Anybody want to do my companion backgrounds for me? I think I barked up that tree once before with a grave yard response.


Anyway these are a few of the things still to be done before release. I am shooting for a playable beta by the beginning of next month so wish me luck.


Here’s a few screen shots to give everybody a feel and what to expect from the campaign.









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Those screenshots really look great! Good luck with the last bit. I know sometimes that last 10% can really drag on.... and on..... and on.....

Don't I know it, it took me 6 months to get MinD out of beta. Thanks.

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Alupinu, between here and the Bioware forums, you have been taunting us with WAY TOO MANY SEXY SCREENSHOTS. When are we gonna get to play this thing?

Yes your right Shaun, I probable should cool it with the screenshots. I’m hoping to have a beta up and running by next month sometime and a final release by summer, maybe sooner depending on how many beta players volunteer.

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  • 1 month later...



Hey everybody!


Just letting you know that I finally did it, I’ve finished building. Yes I have a working beta version of Fanglewood. I just finished playing my first full length test game and it was for the most part a success. There was no game stoppers but I did have a couple of side quest stoppers.


The campaign took me 23 hours to play from start to finish. Minding you that is if you play every quest. I’m thinking that the average player will take around 15-20 hours to play.


I did find 124 things to be fixed a large majority of these being cosmetic. Most are simple fixes that should be no problem. I do have one that’s got me stumped and that is how to get an Encounter Trigger to reset via script. I’ll start a separate thread on that problem over in scripts.


I will be looking for beta players in the near future. But first I’m going to play test it myself until I get it running as smoothly as possible. I do have a short list of people who promised me in the past that they would be happy to play test so we see how good their memories are. LOL I really don’t want to open up the beta version to the community as a whole. So I’m going to try sending out pm’s to all respected member of our community (Manly people on my friends list.)and see what type of response I get. I like to get a min of 5 play testers if possible but more would be better. If you want to make sure you get on the list of beta players just send me a pm and I’ll make sure you’re on it.


Thanks everybody.

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