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Any experts with Conditions and Magic Effects?


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I am in need of someone who understand very well Magic Effects and Conditions, the reason for this post is to try and understand why the hell spell with two different MagicEffects is partially working.


I have created a "Fear" System for animals by just Adding a new Demoralize Magic Effect and putting it as a Spell and giving this spell to Certain animals Races in "General Data" tab Spells, this spell switches On/Off depending on conditions such the animal encounters "X" enemies, their health drop to "X" % amount or them being caught on fire. It all works fine, but my users are going nuts because they claim Animals running away in "Fear" stay too long to Calm down and their Companions/Followers run like idiots trying to kill them, but the animals just keep running away and it also prevents them from fast traveling.


So i asking around someone suggested to add a second Calm Magic Effect to the same spell,This "Calm" down effect partially works, and i say partially because it works fine if you use a torch, animals will run away and when reaching Certain Distance (By Condition) they cool down and Calm down, they do disappear from the compass. But the effect does not work if you first hit them and then use a torch... or if their health drops enough to make the fear effect to kick they will run away but will not calm down. I am unsure if it's the conditions or something else at play, it's driving me crazy...


I have attached some screenshots, first one is how the Spell Looks.




The "Fear" is just a Constant Demoralize Mgef while the "Calm" is just a Constant Calm Mgef. The Fear Effect within the spell is working perfectly, it switches on/off as it should depending on the conditions, but i believe the issue is the "Calm" Effect within the Spell. Second screenshot is the Calm Conditions.


Anyone knows or understand where i messed up with the conditions? I want the calm effect to kick it as soon as the Animal in fear effect has reached a Certain Distance between them and the player, regardless if it's hit or not.


I think i messed up the conditions. I will also upload a small esp with the effect so if anyone want to take a look and test it on some animal using the Creation Kit.

Edited by etayorius
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Here is the esp that has a working Fear Of Fire and Calm as spell, i also added a "TestingWolf" and gave it the spell as an "Ability".


You can make the wolf enter fear if you use a Torch or drop it's health to 30% or lower. And i want the calm effect to kick in regardless if the animal is unharmed or harmed but as long as the player is using a torch or the animal health drops to 30% or lower.



By the way i can't script, nothing at all... i don't understand even the simplest things related to scripting or papyrus.

Edited by etayorius
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It looks like the flee effect will be applied if the combat target pulls out a torch, while the calm effect will be applied if the player pulls out a torch, so these two conditions appear to be in conflict with each other, I think.

Maybe the condition in the calm effect should be IsTorchOut == 0, and possibly the subject should be the combat target instead of the player?

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My other thought is that the 15s duration on both effects may be conflicting with the Conditions. The Conditions on each effect will be monitored continuously by the game, as they are part of a permanent Ability. Perhaps remove the duration entirely from both effects so that only the Conditions govern when the effects will be on or off.

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Putting 0 in the duration disables the effect completely, also if i set the IsTorchOut = 0 then the calm effect does not kick in. I have tried everything but nothing Works, super weird... i'm about to give up, i been trying all sorts of conditions for 3 days in a row and is starting to get me...


Maybe there is some some sort of conflict between the Fear and Calm both trying to run at the same time.

Edited by etayorius
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