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None of my INI tweaks increase tree render distance.


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I know, I know, another Tree render/LOD question. For some context, I have about 186 mods installed right now and my Skyrim runs perfectly! No issues yet, except for one. No trees beyond like 25-50 yards are rendering for me, so it's just this ugly, barren landscape in the distance. Then as I get close the trees fade in. The first issue I had was that the trees that weren't rendered yet were really blocky and ugly, and only half of the tree would be rendered, but I downloaded the SSELodGen thing and ran it, and that seemed to fix the issue, but now no matter what I tweak in the ini files trees further away don't render (keep in mind I haven't messed with uGrids at all, just the stuff for tree distances).


I'm so confused about which ini file is even controlling things here too. The Skyrim SE folder in my Steam directory has low-high-medium-ultra .ini files which I assume control the settings when you select those presets with the default Skyrim launcher (I launch Skyrim with SSKE using NMM)? Then in the "Skyrim" folder within Skyrim SE director is Skyrimprefs.ini. But then a thread I found in a search said to ignore those inis and go to the one in the "my games" directory, which I also did. That folder has both a Skyrim.ini and a SkyrimPrefs.ini, BUT I am using BethIni because it was highly recommended. And so there is a BethIni Cache folder in the my games directory that has those same two ini files. I have no idea which ini files the game is actually using! So what I did was tweak the tree settings in all of them, but no cigar, the trees still only load up to a short distance, everything else is barren. (Added question: am I supposed to manually move the BethIni ini files into the my games directory to replace, or does BethIni do that automatically, there's no way to tell?).


So if someone can tell me if there's some separate ini setting I need to tweak that makes it so trees are just rendered instead of fading in, please let me know, I've maxed all the ini tree distance settings in every ini file (whether it's being used or not) already and still can't fix the issue.


Thanks so much if you take the time to read this!

Edited by ColtonCM
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If this is the problem I think it is then it is a mod conflict and nothing to do with your ini files. Post your load order so I can take a look.

I had a similar problem when I was testing out various combinations of tree overhauls and found that certain combinations would cause distant trees to disappear altogether. They would pop into existence when I got closer. Not just render properly but actually appear from nowhere.

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Just reread your post. If you actually mean that you have distant trees but the models are ugly 2d versions then that is just Skyrim.

What you can do is run LODGEN like you did ensuring that you have the billboards for the tree mods you have

Or you could run DynDOLOD which is an alternative to LODGEN and activate ultra trees (performance warning!).

The only ini tweak I know of is the uiMaxTreesToRender line which is recommended to =200

Check this link


Edited by QuagaarWarrior
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