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Aela the Huntress voice swap.


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I need an archer companion, and Aela is a very good candidate being a master trainer in archery. Unfortunately her voice acting sucks. I hate most of her lines. As this is getting increasingly irritating I was wondering if it was possible to get Aela the Huntress to use voice pack from a follower like Illia.


I know this is probably not going to reach a wide audience and is probably not worth while for modders but I hope it would be simple enough for someone experienced to do so that they decide to spend time to help me out.


Would be eternally greatfull.

Edited by Timberwoff
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I think the problem might be that all of Aela's quest dialouge and Companions dialogue (Assigning quests, any of her personal topics) won't be in the replacement voice, causing silence at best or crashes at worst.
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