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Skyrim Healing class and esp question.


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I was wondering if there was a follower combat AI for healing. I am making a companion that hopefully will end up being a support type. Any help would be appreciated. Also is there any way to 'extract' a single actor (my companion) into a single .esp file? I used another companion as a template and modified according to my tastes. Now they are stcu in the same .esp file =/ Thanks in advance :)
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1. clean the esp of the old companion the same way you would a dirty edit. plenty of tutorials on that.

2. NPC's will not heal others unless they are scripted to do so. The way the combat targeting system is designed prevents them from doing it, is what happens is they target an NPC for combat and will only use spells or weapons that will kill. There is no target a friendly NPC and use healing or support spells on them.

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