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SKYRIM can't start new game


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first of all, sorry for my bad english. I've just reinstalled SKYRIM to my pc and deleted all mods (because it's always crash when i load any save games). I start new game and I got 3 warning messages (see screenshots), so please help me solve the problems ..... thanks :facepalm:



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Just some suggestions.

WETriggerScript errors might have been caused by a 'bad' update from Bethesda that may have caused rogue registry issues of somekind.

(corrupted savegames and badly scripted mods have also been blamed).

Some people have had some luck by installing the Creation Kit to restore missing WETrigger scripts that are usually located here:


You can install it by going here: Steam > Library > Tools > Creation Kit.

fyi, i've seen multiple complaints on different forums saying Bethesda Support has not been very helpful assisting people resolve this issue..


Try to move all savegame files out of your 'My Games\Skyrim\Saves' folder so Skyrim doesn't find them.

Move your 'skyrim.ini' and 'skyrimprefs.ini' files out of your 'My Games\Skyrim' folder and let Skyrim generate fresh default versions.

If you correctly removed all your previous mods then your 'DLCList.txt' 'plugins.txt' and maybe 'loadorder.txt'

(search your C: drive for these) should not have any mods listed (probably just one 'Skyrim.esm' entry).

Check your skyrim\data folder - your should not find any files with a .ESP extension in there.

(temporarily disable HighResTexturePack01.esp and HighResTexturePack02.esp for now if you have these..)

If you use NMM or BOSS or WRYE BASH or the Creation Kit or subscribed to Steam Workshop mods i cannot help you.


Try starting a new game.


If you still get those WETriggerScript errors you might need to try fixes these guys have been using here:



A few last suggestions, before installing skyrim via steam, completely remove all traces of previous skyrim installs

(don't reinstall into your existing skyrim install). You might want to consider reinstalling Steam also.

You can find 2 guides on how to properly uninstall Skyrim here:




In the future, you may want to look into several methods to block Steam from freely accessing your machine and updating Skyrim

until you determine the update is bug free and compatible with any mods/scripts you may be running.

Doing this also gives you a chance to backup your existing skyrim install before allowing an update so you can

rollback/restore your game if there are issues, just say'n..

Edited by xlcr
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cool kharismax, just wondering what ended up being your fix? guessing it was installing the creation kit.

beware, i have seen reports that the WETriggerScript error sometimes comes back and a complete reinstall was the only way to really fix it..

Edited by xlcr
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  • 1 year later...

If you are still experiencing a CTD or WETriggerScript error when loading a game after you do any of the following:

  • Change Load order via NMM
  • Check/Un-Check an .esp/.esm via NMM
  • Add/Remove a mod with a plugin (.esm/esp) via NMM

Nexus Mod Manager my be corrupting a file called "plugins.txt" by adding additional entries to it like "syrim.esm," and "Skyrim.esm." The file is located here: C:\Users\"user name"\AppData\Local\Skyrim (hidden file/folder). Keep in mind it will re-corrupt this file every time you make one of the changes listed above with NMM.


Visit this bug report and try some of the Moderator's suggestions. If you have experienced this issue with recent versions of NMM, please click "Confirm" While you are there. Good Luck.m-adds-skyrimesm-and-skyrimesm-to-pluginstxt/

Edited by dtooker
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