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Merging Weapon Mods for the leveled list


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Is this necessary when using different weapon packs at once, if I wish for them to appear on NPCs and in chests?


Using Jswords, Weapons of the Third Era, Moar Kontent.


Will the last one on the load order overwrite the others, or do they get mixed together nicely?


I tried using Wrybash, but they came up as unmergable.


Also, is there a way to view the leveled list to check which one's are loaded to it properly?

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I would say merging would likely be necessary, but would be sort of a titanic or olympic task. The kind of thing most people don't or can't do.


The last mod in the list will overwrite the others if they edit the same things.


the leveled list


It is not a single leveled list, it is like hundreds of leveled lists, some of them more related to what you are trying to do and some less. Like the gear Falmer carry is on different leveled lists than the gear bandits carry.


In the CK, you could laboriously compare which leveled lists are edited by which mods to give you ideas about what load order would be best or what changes would need to be made if you merged the mods or created a mastered patch to utilize content from all three mods at once.

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i atempted this in oblivion with hundreds of weapon, armor and clothes mods and gave up after adding somewhere in the order of 1000 entries by hand and figuring out i was not even halfway there.


basically you need to bash all the mods together with wrye bash, and then start editing each entry in tes4edit (don't even try to do this in the CK if you value your time) then export everything to a single esp that will most likely conflict with every mod out there anyway...and David is right...the ammount of work involved is huge, but if you want to try i'd gladly use and endorse your mod :D

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A task too great for me, it seems.


So whatever is at the bottom of the load order will appear in chests and on enemies?


Guess I will compromise and just swap the load order ever few play sessions.

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well, if you're not adding custom gear to every named npc out there then you can just use wrye bash and all your mods will work together..specially when 2 or more add items to the same vendor. but random drops for instance, have a very delicate balance and require A LOT of testing to get it right. this is one of the things that made fcom so wonderful.
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