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a Leap of Faith mod


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one thing i'd like to see is a leap of faith mod...and what is that you ask?





being able to jump from predefined insanely high places without taking any damage upon landing. such as bridges, tall walls, cathedrals,mountains etc. as long as the proper method is used...of course npcs don't know how to do this so it would allow for a quick escape with the added bonus of having your persuers fall miserably to their death trying to chase you off a drop.


applying the animation sequence would be the main challenge here.. and then dropping any aggro the player might have assuming the persuers survive the fall or just take the long route around and start looking for him(her)


identifying suitable places that allow for this move would also take some time, but the rest would be just a matter of placing the takeoff and landing markers in the world.



edit: it could even be improved upon by being able to skim over a mountain side to a landing marker that could be perhaps hundreds of meters away from the take-off place such as this epic video


the whole flight would be script driven for maximum awesomeness and to avoid tinkering with active flight control.

and since you see the mountain side from a dangerously low altitude there would be no lod issues to worry about



and if you think it's too over the top and unrealistic, here's a real life version


Edited by VileTouch
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