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Innkeeper Problem


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Hey, all. I'm new to the forums, so please bear with me if I've placed this into the wrong topic... :unsure:


After playing with oblivion mods for awhile, I've decided to give a shot with creating my own. The issue I'm having is with the creation of an innkeeper - the "Bed" option is missing. I've tried creating a new character model, as well as duplicating an NPC (specifically Talasma of the Oak and Crosier in Chorrol) to model off of.


After making the appropriate modifications to the ownership rights to suit my character's new location, and making the appropriate recreation-modifications to the script used, I find that the "Bed" option disapears when in-game testing. Placing a vanilla Talasma reveals the missing "Bed" option (albeit making the room available in Chorrol) thereby suggesting that there is nothing wrong with the location used. As it stands, I'm stumped.


A reading of the forums and many a google search have turned up no answers to my problem, so I was wondering if anyone knew how to resolve this? (A bed-less innkeeper does wonders to destroying the role-playing value of a mod.) Any help or advice would be appreciated. Many thanks in advance.

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It's because you don't have the bed dialogues linked to the NPC you want to use. Inns are essentially mini-quests, you give them gold, they unlock a room and change the ownership of a bed for a few days. If you want this to happen through dialogues, you'll have to make your own dialogues that are attached to the quest and point to the NPC. In the case of inns, you might be able to have the new dialogue voiced by extracting the voice files from some other innkeeper and changing the filename to what those new lines of dialogue are looking for.


Altering existing dialogue isn't suggested since it can cause conflicts and screw over others.

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-Akatosh Mount

-Arcane Archery

-Beautiful Stars


-Bravil Sea Domes

-Castle Almgard

-Dalls Inheritance

-Drop Lit Torches

-Frostcrag Reborn

-Hoarfrost Castle

-Imperial Furniture

-JQ Assassin Quests

-Kvatch Rebuilt

-Midas Magic

-Natural Environments

-No Psychic Guards

-Prettier Bruma House

-Real Lava

-Ruined Tail

-Silver Dragon Armour

-Sunlit Interiors

-The Lost Spires

-Tears of the Fiend

-Valley View Estate


-Wickmere Farm


26 Mods in total. I've tried roughly 35-40 others, but found that these were the ones I prefered that enhanced my own Oblivion Experience. Just personal taste, I suppose.


In response to Vagrant:

How would I go about doing this? Logic dictates it would be through scripting, but my limited knowledge of coding barely extends far enough to modify existing scripts....


If so, how would I go about doing this? I'm running the following script, but I'm not sure how to incorporate a dialogue box. Thanks for your past help, and your continuing patience. :unsure:


Scriptname Publican_WatergateIzishi


;CellName: WatergateInn

;Publican: Izishi

;Room: First room upstairs on the left

;Door Ref: WatergateRentDoor

;Bed Ref: WatergateRentBed




short rent

short rentday

short rentmonth

short cleanup

short setup




begin gamemode



if ( rent == 1 )


if ( setup == 0 )

set rentday to GameDay

set rentmonth to GameMonth

set setup to 1






if ( GameDay != rentday )

set cleanup to 1

elseif ( GameMonth != rentmonth )

set cleanup to 1




if ( Player.GetinCell WatergateInn == 0 )

if ( Cleanup == 1 )

set Cleanup to 2




if ( Cleanup == 2 )


set rent to 0

set setup to 0

set rentday to 0

set rentmonth to 0

set cleanup to 0

WatergateRentDoor.SetOpenState 0

WatergateRentDoor.lock 30

WatergateRentBed.SetOwnership Izishi







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You already have most of the scripting done. you just need to set "rent" to 1 by setting up the dialogue within the output script after a decision is made (<refname>.set rent to 1). You might want to look at how the dialogues for other innkeepers are setup. Almost everything at this point could probably be controlled from those dialogues.
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