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Installing multiple mods


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Okay, so I have downloaded Apachii's Hair Mod and Black Swordsman Armor, however it seems as though I cannot have either active in my Skyrim - Data Directory. This is due to a conflict between the meshes & textures from both mods, with Windows requesting I replace the texture and meshes from one mod, with the other I wish to add.


How can I keep the meshes and textures from Apachii in my Data directory as well as the Black Swordsman, without having to replace either folder?


If it's any help, I am using Windows XP: Now I have heard that Windows Vista and onwards allow the user to merge folders rather than replace.


Or else, how can I keep folders of the same name in the same directory?


Much thanks, HeartAlesana. <3

Edited by HeartAlesana
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These two mods don't actually have any resources in common, just some directories. This is extremely common as just about any mod that adds textures (or replaces default textures for that matter) places them in the same root folder (\Skyrim\Data\textures\). Just choose "overwrite" and Windows will merge the folders. Even Windows XP (or Windows 2000, 98, 95, 3.1 for that matter...).
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