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Better Vampire Lord Leg Texture missing


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Better Vampire Lord Transformation (Skyrim Special Edition): https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2659?tab=description


While I know this isn't a mod everyone wants, I wanted to change things up a little as...I've played Dawnguard so many times. In the words of the mod author: Loshirai14



The work is done in a simple way, no scripts, no SKSE needed, no other mods needed.

if you're a modder, and you already made a custom race mod, you can easily identify
how this mod works.

I simply modified the vampire lord form and made it use the meshes a certain Race or
a group of Race uses. Which means, it takes it's files from the default file path which are:

meshes/actors/character/character assets/

The good thing about that feature is; it lets you use whatever body mod (CBBE, UNP..)
you are using and it only works for female characters.



Some people have been having the same problem I'm having at this time. After transforming into a vampire lord, the texture on the legs is missing. The feet are visible, but the area between the feet and knee are missing. Loshirai14 said it's a direct port from Oldrim. Below is a screenshot submitted by another user having the same problem:




I have tried disabling any mods I can find that have anything to do with vampires. No fix yet. If there is anything else I can provide to figure out what's causing this problem, please let me know.


Also, Loshirai14 posted that they are not making Skyrim mods anymore and that they will likely not be able to fix anything. If the problem is in the mod itself, and they could make a patch, that would be awesome.

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If its a direct port, then the problem is that the new CBBE body considers the calves their own slot while the oldrim CBBE did not. If the calves slot isn't enabled, the calves will be invisible. Enable the calves on the outfit in SSEEdit and they'll reappear.

Edited by ughitsmegan
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If its a direct port, then the problem is that the new CBBE body considers the calves their own slot while the oldrim CBBE did not. If the calves slot isn't enabled, the calves will be invisible. Enable the calves on the outfit in SSEEdit and they'll reappear.

Thanks for the information. However...I've never used SSEEdit before. So, it's telling a child "Just change the spark plug." I'm trying to figure this out, but it looks like I'll be a while in finding this "On Switch" for calves :laugh:

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Okay, I figured it out! Thanks for pointing me in the right direction ughitsmegan! Had to open the BVLT.esm then go to Armor Addons then click on "DLC1NakedVampireLord" (The version I ended up selecting on the install). Had to enable 38-calves under first person flags.

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Glad you got it figured! Sorry, I should have given more information. I just wasn't sure how much you knew and even what this outfit would be called in SSEEdit since I don't use this mod.

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I might be dumb here or just not doing something right. However i went into sseedit to try and fix the leg issue but nothing i did seemed to work. i tried going into armor addons but still was unable to get the calves to show up.

if someone is able please help me gain some insight as how to fix this.

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