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BodySlide support help


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Hello, yes I should be looking at BodySlide and Outfit Studio guides, but I can't seem to find what I want.

First of all, I'm trying to get into converting LE outfits to SE and have BodySlide support for them.

For example let's take this armor: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/87809

I converted it to SE already, It's working fine (besides the wig as it needs hair mods,but I removed all the entries of it with SSEdit)

Now the question is: How do I make the outfit BodySlide compatible and CBBE(outfit is already CBBE,but I need to be sure if there's any need for more steps) with HDT or Physics enabled?

I would love to learn this, as I want to get into the convertion scene and convert some of my favourite armors to SE.

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