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[LE] Can you make it so that finishing a quest stage in one quest sets a new quest stage in another running quest?

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I'm doing a quest where my Khajiit player have to fetched a stolen Sweet Roll but when he tryes to enter Whiterun the guards will confront him and then they wont let him in so he needs to find another entrance.

To make it simple for myself I was planning to use a slightly tweaked version of the already existing quest 'DialogueWhiterunGuardGateStop' (the standard encounter everybody gets went geting to Whiteruns main gate in vanilla) and somewere in that quest add som lines that would put my own fetch-quest on a new quest stage.

In my head this was something that would easely be done with just some line of cod. Sadly after a lot of time in CK and on the internet, I have no idea what that line is. Or any other possibility to get the same resault. So now i wonder if there is someone kindhearted here that can help me accomplich this in some way?

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I found that line on the wiki before but totaly missed the "fill the property" part. Im doing the quest for a big school project, gessing that the stress made me overlook it. (I Promise I will take a better look at the totorials at later so that i dont post obvieus questions again :) )

Now my quest works fine thought. Thanks you very mush for answering my question and for answering it so fast! :)

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