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Skyrim PC [Modded] CTD's at Random


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I've been going bonkers over this, Skyrim Classic on the PC keeps crashing at what feels completely random whenever I play. The only prevailing theory I have is that it seems to crash when I access my Skill Trees.


Few Notes:

-I use Mod Organizer

-I use FNIS and Generate FNIS for Users through MO

-SKSE and Mod Organizer are up to date as of this post

-My master files have been cleaned, checked through LOOT

-I've installed ENBoost, Crash Fixes, and Community Uncapper

-I've ran BOSS (though unsupported now), TES5Edit, and LOOT all through Mod Organizer without any errors whatsoever. The only error I got was through BOSS and read as such: "'PTAlchemyOverhaulSkillRate(0|1)_\d{1, 2).esp' is not a valid regular exrpression. Item skipped." and then it closes.

-I've generated Papyrus Logging, though I've heard it's useless for telling what mod is the issue.

-I've verifyed Steam's cache for Skyrim (Yes I'm aware that means that my master files become dirty again)


Load Order: https://modwat.ch/u/LokiBaby612/plugins


Again, the only idea that I have is that when I access my level up menu roughly ~5 minutes of game time, Skyrim immediately crashes. I don't believe that it's a hardware issue, as my game runs just fine with these mods. If anyone sees any issues with my load order or has any ideas on how to help, please let me know because I'm going looney tunes over this.



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