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BodySlide/Outfit Studio Un-removable Masks


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I changed from CBBE to UNP a few weeks ago, but i still love "Killer Keos Armor Replacer" mod, but i wasn't able to find any UNP version, so i started a lil proyect to turn them all into UNP, so far so good, until i came into "Fine Raiment" outfit, the issue is that i don't know how to remove the masks the outfit has by default (already there when i started) everytime i get rid of those masks when i go to save the project a window pops out warning me about masks still present on the outfit, when i cancel the save the maks appear again, but if i don't cancel the Save and save the outfit with the mask when i load the game the outfit have missing meshes in the places where the mask are located (in the ends of the robe and the arms)


How can i properly get rid of the masks? i've done everything i know i can't find any places on the internet with simlar issues...

Killer Keos Skimpy CBBE V2-V3 Armor Replacer


Edited by Dragossilver
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