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New Persuasions


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I have had this idea, but don't know how to script... It will add a new persausion: beg. and it will be a chanced action (like other persausions) with the factors being speachcraft, and disposition. based on those factors you will get so much money, or nothing, resulting in a drop in disposition. If your speachcraft is (#) and your current disposition is (#) then you are likely to get an amout of money between (#-#). Anyone willing to take up the task, or know a mod that dose this?
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  • 3 weeks later...

well that is not exactly what I am asking, and just because you don't think anyone would want to work on it does not mean that someone won't find the idea interesting or good and would be willing to make it, plus I revived it because there were only 20 some veiws which means that it got pushed down the list to fast probobly cause it was at a time when lots of people were posting.


I am not saying: someone make this mod cause I want it...

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