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Scripting with VBS


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Okay I have been playing a bit with the *.VBS files witch have been a laugh teasing my friends with.


start = msgbox("Press OK!",16,"ERROR!")


The number 16 plays the Error sound and 2 buttons: Red X and a OK button


But changing 16 to 20 you still get same sound but now you can choose YES or NO


Are there any way I can script them into use, and make some kind of conversation out of it?


so like the computer asks the user and he can choose to press YES or NO and get different results?


(I made a short page of how to make these files and placed the YouTube movie witch inspired me to this. My Website)


Hope anyone can help me

(also if it could do a "FAKE" install of a file it would be VERY funny!!!)

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go to the windows site, they have an entire in-depth thing about it :)

probably googling it would be better though.

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