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Skyrim Crashing When Opening Door


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I have the live another life mod installed and am trying to start at the companions but when I try to leave and go into whiterun, the game crashes. I had about 150 mods dowloaded and continued to disable them in the mod manager until i got it down to 37 plugins. I can't seem to think why any of these would affect the game, because I had them all installed on my last playthrough of skyrim. I attached my load order and my last 2 papyrus logs. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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I believe I have narrowed down the problem to virtuvia, but now I am getting a memory error. I have realvision enb installed and the ReduceSystemMemoryUsage is set to true but I am still getting this error:

21 May 00:21:00 Skyrim has failed to allocate memory! Possibly running out of memory. Size / alignment of object being allocated was 16777391 / 0. Some things you can try:
1. Make sure ReduceSystemMemoryUsage=true is set in enblocal.ini - if you don't have ENB then install ENBoost and enable this option.
2. Try set AlignHeapAllocate=0 in CrashFixPlugin.ini - if you get additional crashes then put back to 1.
3. If it's during ShowRaceMenu then close the menu from time to time to free memory.
4. Enable CustomMemoryBlock in CrashFixPlugin.ini to reduce memory fragmentation.
5. If it's during ShowRaceMenu then disable UseOSAllocators=1 and re-enable after character creation is completed.
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