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I HATE Sprint Toggle


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Okay so nobody cares about any of the bile or terrible things I have to say about the (@#!$%& *&^%$!) that decided to, once again, break what wasn't broken. (Seriously wtf was the thought process here? "Let's just take a control setup that has been in the community and used for years and just Eff it right the Eff up!" ... err... sorry.)


(TLDR) So I will simply get to the point:


How do I revert sprinting and galloping to the perfectly functional NON-TOGGLED version of the control that I am used to and works better? (half the time, especially during combat, the bloody game fails to recognize the key press and so my character does NOT, in fact, run.)


Okay I'm gonna shut up now before I piss off a moderator.

If anybody can help me I'd be very grateful. This current control setup is simply broken.

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Right on! :thumbsup: (Yes, Skyrim SE. - whoops - )

Yeah, man. I just tested that mod and it seems to work perfectly. My only concern is reports of ctd with the mod but so far I've been unable to reproduce them.

In any case, thank you, Traken. Very much appreciated.



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