Deleted7702387User Posted May 21, 2018 Share Posted May 21, 2018 (edited) I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but everytime I try to change my custom folder, for wrye bash installers, it always goes to the default folder. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. Here's my bash.ini. ;# ____ _ _ _ ____ ___ ______;# | _ \ | | (_) (_) |___ \ / _ \ |____ );# | |_) | __ _ ___| |__ _ _ __ _ __) | | | | | / /;# | _ < / _` / __| '_ \ | | '_ \| | |__ < | | | | / /;# | |_) | (_| \__ \ | | |_| | | | | | ___) | | |_| | / /;# |____/ \__,_|___/_| |_(_)_|_| |_|_| |____/ \___/ /_/;The Default Font for the ASCII Art Headers is Lucida Console, Regular, 10;(Notepad);--This is the generic version of Bash.ini. You must copy or rename it to; "bash.ini" before it can be used. It is distributed as bash_default.ini so; that your changes won't be accidentally erased during an upgrade to Wrye; Bash.; You do NOT need to set values for all of these, only those you wish to change; from their default values. In most cases, you just uncomment (remove the [;)]; from the option you want to use and possibly change the value.; Bool options (starting with b) can use use any of:; True, 1, Yes, On; False, 0, No, Off; Paths - You can use either:; Absolute Path; Example=C:\Games\Oblivion Mods; Relative path, where path is relative to the game install directory; Example=Tools\Tes4Files.exe; In some cases, the path of "." means select a default.; _____ _; / ____| | |; | | __ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _ | |; | | |_ | / _ \| '_ \ / _ \| '__|/ _` || |; | |__| || __/| | | || __/| | | (_| || |; \_____| \___||_| |_| \___||_| \__,_||_|[General];--sOblivionMods is an alternate root directory for Bash Installers and other; Bash data. Putting it under the game's install directory can cause; performance problems during gameplay, so by default it is placed at the; same level as the game folder. Here are the Oblivion and Skyrim defaults,; and two other examples.;sOblivionMods=A:\Games\Skyrim\Mods;sOblivionMods=A:\Games\Skyrim\Mods;sOblivionMods=C:\Games\Oblivion Mods;sOblivionMods=A:\Games\Skyrim\Mods;--sBashModData is the directory containing data about your mods, ini edits,; etc. If using MOM, mTES4 Manager, or other utility to manage multiple; installs, you will want to change this to keep the Bash data with your; saved games. You'll need to use an absolute path to your saved games; folder, so here are the defaults and a few examples.;sBashModData=A:\Games\Skyrim\Mods;sBashModData=A:\Games\Skyrim\Mods;sBashModData=C:\Documents and Settings\Wrye\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Bash Mod Data;sBashModData=C:\Users\Wrye\AppData\Local\Skyrim\Bash Mod Data;--sInstallersData is the directory containing data about which installers are; installed by Wrye Bash. If you changed sBashModData above, you'll probably; want to change this one too. Examples:;sInstallersData=A:\Games\Skyrim\Mods\Bash Installers;sInstallersData=A:\Games\Skyrim\Mods\Bash Installers;sInstallersData=C:\Documents and Settings\Wrye\My Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Bash Installers\Bash;sInstallersData=C:\Users\Wrye\AppData\Local\Skyrim\Bash Installers\Bash;sInstallersData=C:\Users\Wrye\AppData\Local\Skyrim\Bash Installers Data;--OblivionPath is the game directory (containing Oblivion.exe, TESV.exe, etc).; A "normal" install of Bash will place the Mopy directory in your game; directory. Use this argument only if you placed Bash outside of the game; directory and the automatic detection and -g command line parameter fail to; find the game. If using a relative path, it will be relative to the Mopy; directory.;sOblivionPath=C:\Games\Oblivion;sOblivionPath=G:\Oblivion;sOblivionPath=G:\Steam\SteamApps\common\Skyrim;--User directory arguments.; These arguments allow you to specify your user directories in several; ways. These are only useful if the regular procedure for getting the user; directory fails. And even in that case, the user is probably better off; installing pywin32.;--UserPath is the user profile path.; May help if HOMEDRIVE and/or HOMEPATH are missing from the user's; environment.;sUserPath=C:\Documents and Settings\Wrye;sUserPath=C:\Users\Wrye;--PersonalPath is the user's personal directory ("My Documents"). Should be; used in conjunction with either the -l argument or setting; sLocalAppDataPath.;sPersonalPath=C:\Documents and Settings\Wrye\My Documents;sPersonalPath=C:\Users\Wrye\Documents;--LocalAppDataPath is the user's local application data directory. Should be; used in conjunction with either the -p argument or setting sPersonalPath;sLocalAppDataPath=C:\Documents and Settings\Wrye\Local Settings\Application Data;sLocalAppDataPath=C:\Users\Wrye\AppData\Local;--SteamInstall Bash will try to detect if you have a Steam install but if it; fails to properly detect it (or incorrectly detects that you do) you can; set this to the desired setting.;bSteamInstall=True;bSteamInstall=False; _____ _ _ _; / ____| | | | | (_); | (___ ___ | |_ | |_ _ _ __ __ _ ___; \___ \ / _ \| __|| __|| || '_ \ / _` |/ __|; ____) || __/| |_ | |_ | || | | || (_| |\__ \; |_____/ \___| \__| \__||_||_| |_| \__, ||___/; __/ |; |___/[settings];--bResetBSATimestamps: Whether or not Wrye Bash should automatically set BSA; timestamps. If enables, BSAs will be set to 1-1-2006 automatically. It is; intended to prevent files in BSAs from overriding loose files, but ... do; NOT use this for Oblivion if installed through Steam! Default is True.;bResetBSATimestamps=True;bResetBSATimestamps=False;--bSkipResetTimeNotifications: Whether or not to skip notification about mod; modification times reset by Lock Load Order and other load order; corrections. The default is False, but if you find the alerts annoying,; you can hide them.;bSkipResetTimeNotifications=False;bSkipResetTimeNotifications=True;--bAutoItemCheck: Determines whether to automatically check new items in the; Bashed Patch. Default is True.;bAutoItemCheck=True;bAutoItemCheck=False;--bSkipHideConfirmation: Determines whether the hide confirmations are shown.; Default is False.;bSkipHideConfirmation=False;--sSound*: if set plays that sound in the specified situation. Can be an; absolute path or a relative path from the app dir. Default is empty (no; sound).; sSoundError: Bashed Patch build error; sSoundSuccess: Bashed Patch build success;sSoundError=.;sSoundSuccess=.;--bShowDevTools: Whether to show some menu options and StatusBar buttons that; are really only useful for people programming Wrye Bash. Default is False.;bShowDevTools=False;--bEnsurePatchExists: Whether or not Wrye Bash should automatically ensure a; Bashed Patch exists. Default is True.;bEnsurePatchExists=True;--sScriptFileExt: Is the extention that will be used for the exported scripts; when running 'Export Scripts' (defaults to .txt).;sScriptFileExt=.txt;--iKeepLog: Is how much log to record- set to a number in between 0 and 4 with; 0 being no log, and 4 being maximum logging (not fully implemented yet).;iKeepLog=0;--sLogFile: Where to save the log to, defaults to Mopy/bash.log;sLogFile=Mopy\bash.log;--sOblivionTexturesBSAName: use if you have renamed; "Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa" and are using BSA Redirection (Does; not apply to Skyrim).;sOblivionTexturesBSAName=.;--s7zExtraCompressionArguments: if set to something other than Default adds; these as command line switches for compressing with 7z. If you always want; Solid on and a block size of 1mb you would specify: -ms=on -ms=1m;s7zExtraCompressionArguments=-ms=on -ms=1m;--bEnableSplashScreen: Use this to disable the startup splash screen.; Default is True (splash screen enabled).;bEnableSplashScreen=True;--bPromptActivateBashedPatch: prompt to atcivate the Bashed Patch after it is; built. Default is True (prompt).;bPromptActivateBashedPatch=True;--bWarnTooManyFiles: Use this to disable the warning on too many mods/bsas on; startup. Default is True (warn);bWarnTooManyFiles=True;--sSkippedBashInstallersDirs: Provide a list of directories, separated by the; pipe symbol, |, to be skipped inside Bash Installers directory.;sSkippedBashInstallersDirs=cache|categories|downloads|ModProfiles|ReadMe; _______ _ ____ _ _; |__ __| | | / __ \ | | (_); | | ___ ___ | | | | | | _ __ | |_ _ ___ _ __ ___; | | / _ \ / _ \ | | | | | || '_ \ | __|| | / _ \ | '_ \ / __|; | || (_) || (_) || | | |__| || |_) || |_ | || (_) || | | |\__ \; |_| \___/ \___/ |_| \____/ | .__/ \__||_| \___/ |_| |_||___/; | |; |_|[Tool Options];--Whether or not to show the various larger non core tool launcher segments.;bShowTextureToolLaunchers=True;bShowModelingToolLaunchers=True;bShowAudioToolLaunchers=True;--All tool launcher paths can be absolute paths or relative from the head of; of the game folder (that's the one with your Oblivion.exe or TESV.EXE in; it). A few Java programs also have matching entries for argument options.;==================================================;;=========ESM/ESP/LOD/NIF Tool Launchers===========;;==================================================;;sTes4GeckoPath=Tes4Gecko.jar;sTes4GeckoJavaArg=-Xmx1024m;sTes4FilesPath=Tools\Tes4Files.exe;sTes4EditPath=TES4Edit.exe;sTes5EditPath=TES5Edit.exe;sSSEEditPath=SSEEdit.exe;sFo4EditPath=FO4Edit.exe;sTes4LodGenPath=Tes4LodGen.exe;sNifskopePath=C:\Program Files\NifTools\NifSkope\nifskope.exe;sTes5GeckoPath=C:\Program Files\Dark Creations\TESVGecko\TESVGecko.exe;==================================================;;===========3D Modeling Tool Launchers=============;;==================================================;;sArtOfIllusion=C:\Program Files\ArtOfIllusion\Art of Illusion.exe;sAutoCad=C:\Program Files\Autodesk Architectural Desktop 3\acad.exe;sBlenderPath=C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender\Blender.exe;sGmaxPath=C:\GMAX\gmax.exe;sMaxPath=C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2010\3dsmax.exe;sMayaPath=C:\not\a\valid\path.exe;sMilkShape3D=C:\Program Files\MilkShape 3D 1.8.4\ms3d.exe;sMudbox=C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Mudbox2011\mudbox.exe;sSculptris=C:\Program Files\sculptris\Sculptris.exe;sSoftimage=C:\Softimage\Softimage_Mod_Tool_7.5\Application\bin\XSI.bat -mod;sSpeedTree=C:\not\a\valid\path.exe;sTreed=C:\not\a\valid\path.exe;sWings3D=C:\Program Files\wings3d_1.2\Wings3D.exe;==================================================;;==========Texturing/DDS Tool Launchers============;;==================================================;;sAniFX=C:\Program Files\AniFX 1.0\AniFX.exe;sArtweaver=C:\Program Files\Artweaver 1.0\Artweaver.exe;sCrazyBump=C:\Program Files\Crazybump\CrazyBump.exe;sDDSConverter=C:\Program Files\DDS Converter 2\DDS Converter 2.exe;sDeepPaint=C:\Program Files\Right Hemisphere\Deep Paint\DeepPaint.exe;sDogwaffle=C:\Program Files\project dogwaffle\dogwaffle.exe;sGenetica=C:\Program Files\Spiral Graphics\Genetica 3.5\Genetica.exe;sGeneticaViewer=C:\Program Files\Spiral Graphics\Genetica Viewer 3\Genetica Viewer 3.exe;sGIMP=C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\bin\gimp-2.8.exe;sGimpShop=C:\Program Files\GIMPshop\bin\gimp-2.2.exe;sIcoFX=C:\Program Files\IcoFX 1.6\IcoFX.exe;sInkscape=C:\Program Files\Inkscape\inkscape.exe;sMaPZone=C:\Program Files\Allegorithmic\MaPZone 2.6\MaPZone2.exe;sMyPaint=C:\Program Files\MyPaint\mypaint.exe;sNVIDIAMelody=C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Melody\Melody.exe;sPaintNET=C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\PaintDotNet.exe;sPaintShopPhotoPro=C:\Program Files\Corel\Corel PaintShop Photo Pro\X3\PSPClassic\Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo.exe;sPhotobie=C:\Program Files\Photobie\Photobie.exe;sPhotoFiltre=C:\Program Files\PhotoFiltre\PhotoFiltre.exe;sPhotoScape=C:\Program Files\PhotoScape\PhotoScape.exe;sPhotoSEAM=C:\Program Files\PhotoSEAM\PhotoSEAM.exe;sPhotoshopPath=C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS3\Photoshop.exe;sPixelStudio=C:\Program Files\Pixel\Pixel.exe;sPixia=C:\Program Files\Pixia\pixia.exe;sTextureMaker=C:\Program Files\Texture Maker\texturemaker.exe;sTwistedBrush=C:\Program Files\Pixarra\TwistedBrush Open Studio\tbrush_open_studio.exe;sWTV=C:\Program Files\WindowsTextureViewer\WTV.exe;sxNormal=C:\Program Files\Santiago Orgaz\xNormal\3.17.3\x86\xNormal.exe;==================================================;;=========General/Modding Tool Launchers===========;;==================================================;;sBSACMD=C:\Program Files\BSACommander\bsacmd.exe;sEggTranslator=C:\Program Files\Egg Translator\EggTranslator.exe;sISOBL=ISOBL.exe;sISRMG=Insanitys ReadMe Generator.exe;sISRNG=Random Name Generator.exe;sISRNPCG=Random NPC.exe;sMAP=Modding Tools\Interactive Map of Cyrodiil and Shivering Isles 3.52\Mapa v 3.52.exe;sOblivionBookCreatorPath=Data\OblivionBookCreator.jar;sOblivionBookCreatorJavaArg=-Xmx1024m;sOBMLG=Modding Tools\Oblivion Mod List Generator\Oblivion Mod List Generator.exe;sOBFEL=C:\Program Files\Oblivion Face Exchange Lite\OblivionFaceExchangeLite.exe;sRADVideo=C:\Program Files\RADVideo\radvideo.exe;sTabula=Modding Tools\Tabula.exe;==================================================;;======Screenshot/Benchmarking Tool Launchers======;;==================================================;;sFraps=C:\Fraps\Fraps.exe;sIrfanView=C:\Program Files\IrfanView\i_view32.exe;sXnView=C:\Program Files\XnView\xnview.exe;sFastStone=C:\Program Files\FastStone Image Viewer\FSViewer.exe;sWinSnap=C:\Program Files\WinSnap\WinSnap.exe;==================================================;;============Sound/Audio Tool Launchers============;;==================================================;;sABCAmberAudioConverter=C:\Program Files\ABC Amber Audio Converter\abcaudio.exe;sAudacity=C:\Program Files\Audacity\Audacity.exe;sMediaMonkey=C:\Program Files\MediaMonkey\MediaMonkey.exe;sSwitch=C:\Program Files\NCH Swift Sound\Switch\switch.exe;==================================================;;=========Text/Development Tool Launchers==========;;==================================================;;sNPP=C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe;sWinMerge=C:\Program Files\WinMerge\WinMergeU.exe;sFreeMind=C:\Program Files\FreeMind\Freemind.exe;sFreeplane=C:\Program Files\Freeplane\freeplane.exe;==================================================;;========Other/Miscellaneous Tool Launchers========;;==================================================;;sEVGAPrecision=C:\Program Files\EVGA Precision\EVGAPrecision.exe;sFileZilla=C:\Program Files\FileZilla FTP Client\filezilla.exe;sLogitechKeyboard=C:\Program Files\Logitech\GamePanel Software\G-series Software\LGDCore.exe;sboss=C:\BOSS\BOSS.EXE Edited May 22, 2018 by Guest Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ghaunadaur Posted May 21, 2018 Share Posted May 21, 2018 Have you removed the ; that comments out the line? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Deleted7702387User Posted May 22, 2018 Author Share Posted May 22, 2018 Thank you! That worked Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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