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Count Dovahkiin


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Hi guys, in Oblivion I discovered a mod (forgot the name) in which you were given a very small estate and a simple and short questline to defend and upgrade it.


I am not a modder myself, merely a fan of well-designed mods and so I thought that maybe I could convince one of you pro to take a shot at something like this. I'd image the least Tullius or Ullfric could do after the war is won, is to reward Skyrim's Hero with a Title and with it an estate. A small Castle or a Mansion with some workers, fields, a mine and the quest to take it from ruins to riches.


Don't know if you guys like the idea, but feel free to leave comments, suggestions and I hope this will reach someone out there who might be able to create this mod :blush::)

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  • 4 weeks later...
I really like this idea. Perhaps you could become the Jarl of the conquered hold, Solitude or Winterhold, and defend it from the remaining forces of the rebellion/empire. Also interesting would be stuff that the Warden from DAO: Awakening, like re-building the walls and city, judging court cases and the such would help a final defense of the city.
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