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No matter what I do Tame the Beasts of Skyrim II will not work


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I have been researching all over the internet and I must say I am quite exhausted, and I am surprised to not find an answer yet. So as you can see from the title I am trying to get Tame the Beats of Skyrim II to work. I have downloaded the mod from Nexus, and have even put it in the Data folder manually to where it shows up in the mod folder in Skyrim, but the petshop house is not anywhere in Whiterun at all. Even Nexus says that the mod is active, yet when I try to check off the plugins part where the mod is, Skyrim will not launch. Do I have to activate the mod in some way through the game in Skyrim? Because like I said it shows up when you click mods, but I cannot click on it or anything it just says its active. I am just a simple girl wanting to tame animals in Skyrim, but it seems the world hates me right now. I have been trying to figure this out for four days, if you can help in any way I will be extremely grateful! The pictures I have are apparently too large to post, but I am willing to post them where I can. Thanks!

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so you've manually installed the mod

but how are you activating it? are you using Nexus mod manager? I couldn't understand this from your post


Even Nexus says that the mod is active, yet when I try to check off the plugins part where the mod is, Skyrim will not launch

can you please explain this part? I really don't understand what you are trying to do , and what doesn't work......

also , if you can post your pictures through a host , that would work (since you can't just post them directly) , maybe these will help us understand the issue , and help us solve it

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I manually installed the mod through moving the files to Data, where the mod can be seen when clicking on the data folder. I extracted the folder and did everything the tutorial told me to do, but when I go into the game the mod is not working. Nexus says on the manager in the plugins section that Tame the Beasts is a plugin, but when I click the checkmark to allow it to be activated Skyrim will not run. It also says that Beasts of Skyrim is active on the bottom of the screen Active Mods: 1 and Installed Mods: 1 and Total Mods: 1 which is the Beats of Skyrim mod since it is the only one I have been trying to get to work. Here I made a slideshow with the pictures.. Hope this helps! Thank you so much for your help!



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could this be the mod you are trying to add? https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/50698?

because if so , it's pretty obvious why your game won't start with it installed

this mod is for Skyrim (as in the 2011 version , or the legendary edition) while you have the Special Edition (the 2016 version)

these are two different games , and mods from one generally won't work on the other (they usually require conversions to properly work)

I tried but couldn't find a SE version of this mod , so I don't think it has been converted


Edit : it appears that people are reporting that this mod works on SE as is

maybe your issue is your version of SKSE , or the fact you don't have SkyUI installed (which is a requirement for this mod , as stated on the mod's page)

so make sure you are using the latest version of SKSE64 , and get SkyUI from the SE site , and see if this fixes the issue

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Yes that is the exact mod I am trying to get to work, If you do not mind can you give me the exact link to SkyUI.. because I took a picture of what it said was required to run the mod and I have it. I will download whatever I need at this point, also if you can get me the link to SKSE64 that would be great and I will download them both :)

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you can find SKSE here http://skse.silverlock.org/

you need to get the SE build 2.0.7 from there


and you can get the SE version of SkyUI from here https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12604


you also need to make sure to launch SKSE64 through NMM for your mods to properly run

I hope that with these installed properly , the game would work for you with the mod

I'm going to bed now , so if you'll have any more issues , feel free to post them here , I'll try to assist in the morning

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