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Armor Morpher issues.


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Hello, I'm having a armor morphing problem and hoping someone can help.


So I made the model cuirass_0 in 3ds max ( http://puu.sh/qLrZ ). I applied the Somuchmorpher to the object and Changed the proper nifscope settings.

I am getting vertex explosions whenever the model is at 1%-99% weight and the _0 and _1 file are intact. I have tried create a box and attach the cuirass to the box followed by deleting the box and then recreate the _0 and _1 models. No effect.

Also, if I copy the _0 and rename the copy _1 the morpher works, however there is no morph. I believe it is a vertex numbering issue between the files.


I'm wondering if the somuchmorpher is creating extra geometry somehow? Any insight?

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