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Use Power Armor Quest


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I didn't like how Power Armor was implemented in this game, because it was both lore breaking and it made the game pretty much effortless to use it. Therefore I got the Classic Power Armor Rebalance here: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/5068


However, I quickly noticed a problem. Since a T-45 Power Armor is given to the player in one of the very first quests in the game and there's Power Armor frames littered pretty much everywhere with this mod there's nothing stopping the player from simply jumping straight into the first Power Armor they get their hands on practically right out of the Vault and using it the whole game, instead of having to follow a progression, working their way up from weak armor like Raider armor to Metal Armor etc. to eventually Power Armor.


Thus, this request is about having some feature implemented to force the player to not be able to use Power Armor until later in the game, I'd say around level 40, maybe even 50 or 60. I'm thinking first that the Power Armor you use during "When Freedom Calls" will shut down after using it to finish the quest, like a Taste of Power kind of thing, and if that happens or you encounter a Power Armor frame out in the wastes somewhere you'll get a long term quest. A quest to build a long lasting battery pack for Power Armor, and until then you can't use it. I'd say you'd need high level perks like Science rank 4 and some unique parts you'd have to find that are located in some of the more dangerous areas of the game. This is just the idea I had for it, if you've got something better go ahead. The idea here is to make Power Armor something the player has to spend likely dozens of hours working towards and make do with lesser armors until that point, much like how progression worked during previous Fallout games. If someone could think of something to make the player go through the weaker variants of Power Armor to the stronger variants that would be great too.


Thanks in advance to anyone that will help.

Edited by immortalfrieza
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