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Severe fps issues, Please help!


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Hello guys,


First off, I came here to ask you guys for advice. My friend recommended this site as it was supposed to have the most tech know how about skyrim on the interwebs :).


So basically, my proflem is that i have severe FPS drops that randomly appear, and mostly when I transition into a new area after having been in a location like a cave. My fps would drop somewhere between 1 and 5 fps, while i usually play at 60~ (except in areas that require a lot of power from the pc, such as Whiterun at night). The drops seem to appear as well when the game autosaves. When this happens, skyrim is unplayable and the only thing I can do is hit control atl delete, which instantly fixes it after i re-open skyrim from the task bar. However, it is ofcourse annoying to keep having to hit crtl alt delete to fix a crash that shouldn't be there in the first place.


I've tried setting the gamepad setting to 0, didn't work.

I've downloaded the mod from here for 4gb, and i've downloaded the d3d9.dll


Also: it makes no difference if i play on ultra or on lowest, these random fps crashes keep happening.


My specs:





CPU_Name: Intel® Core i7-3930K CPU @ 3.20GHz

CPU_Manufacturer: GenuineIntel

CPU_Caption: Intel64 Family 6 Model 45 Stepping 7

CPU_CurrentClockSpeed: 1184MHz

CPU_AddressWidth: 64Bits

CPU_DataWidth: 64Bits

CPU_SocketDesignation: CPU 1


System Memory



BIOS Information


BIOS_Manufacturer: Alienware


Motherboard Information


MB_Manufacturer: Alienware



Video Adapter


Video_Caption: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 555 (dual)

Video_AdapterRAM: 1024MB



I truly hope you guys can help me! Thanks in advance!

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